View Full Version : Ham Radio Chit-Chat
- New rig arrived...
- Any Cubic fans near Lake City, FL?
- If you had no shack, how much would you pay to get on the air?
- What would you say to a Ham Island DXpedition...
- So this is what happened....
- Use your effing manual
- Hmmm $30 Chinese HT's... How about $350 HF SSB/CW .1-30mhz
- Wallpaper of the Week
- Electronics archaeology
- ham radio black friday/cyber monday stuff?
- Short Wave TV Rolls Out New Cosmophone
- Hammy Holiday Heartwarmer now playing!
- Stumbled upon this doing some Wiki-fu:
- If you ever sent code...
- Heathkit: It's alive, it's alive, it's ALIVE!
- Please Sir, May I have some Morse?
- Merry Happy
- Does scanner listening stuff go here? Trunking related
- Up and running!
- $29.00 Radio Part 2
- so it isnt "real" ham radio...
- Online log book
- Icom 730 question...
- Tokyo Hy-Power files for bankruptcy
- Worked PY3CEJ on 160
- New Vertical!
- "Down under Bob"
- Just Ordered a Cheap Chinese Dual Bander
- Do the planets affect radio propagation?
- Station, Please Identify
- DXpedition Dialog
- New RBR-4 from Industry Canada
- Does Radio Propagation Affect The Planets ??
- LoTH/eQSL upload times
- First renewal..
- Baofeng radio (limited freq range)
- Throw me in hot tar and call me an a-hole from Maine...
- Any Missouri members onboard?
- The LID Signal
- Ham Radio Operators Are Their Own Biggest Critics
- QRM'rz on JT65/JT9
- Dark Humor - Change of Nicknames Needed?
- Best ham-band-only communications receiver
- ARRL seeks commentary on digital modes
- Now that Im a big bad Extra...
- New type of low-noise RF detector
- QRP VHF/UHF tansmitter for $35? Sure.
- LOTW...good, bad, meh?
- A Very General Guide to using the RTL Dongles as SDR Recievers
- reliable source for HT batteries?
- an interesting place for a contest station
- I can finally bitch about the ARRL!
- Milestones: Voice of Russia Goes Dark After All
- On The Wrong Side Of The Law; Ohms Law that Is.....
- Newish Ham looking for a good place to find some ragchew
- Youtube and ham radio
- This is pathetic...
- Where to buy?
- I finally caved....
- Will HAARP-like research project affect HF propagation?
- It's so nice...
- I'm dyin ovah hee-yah!! LOL
- Ok, I have to admit...
- 73 Magazine Online FREE
- Wouxun KG-UV8D
- Is it just me?
- Expanding 2 Meters
- 40 db Over S-9
- Baofeng UV-B6 can operate 1.25M!
- Toaster Oven to Reflow Oven and SMT Soldering
- Canadian hams gain new MF (620m) band
- Flex 6300 is out...
- Dayton 2014 Thread
- KD7CVH Family asks for help locating him.
- Pop quiz for the class.
- Proof positive LoTW is overengineered
- Signalink for FT817? No Way!
- QRZ XML or not to QRZ XML?
- Open Source D* replacement
- So I'm gonna try building a SDR system
- Where does this misinformation come from?
- Failed Canadian MURS
- ARRL Centennial challenge
- An example of how to make women not participate in your Field Day event
- Decisions... Decisions...
- It's Been 25 Years
- wide signals
- For bicycle mobile folk
- Add this morser to your station today!
- Mayday Mayday Mayday
- Droid Apps....
- FT-7900?
- Happy Field Day W4GPL de KE4JGX
- field day is in full effect...
- Field day bitches, hoorays, and awwws
- Knowing how, but not knowing why?
- Step Right Up! K1MAN is available.
- antennas really are the difference!
- 10 meters is open
- My antenna broked...
- Just 'cuz
- Yeah, but will it work on 160m?
- Change of Adress
- No DX? Really?
- If Cobra can do this with a CB...
- I wouldn't trust these guys to relay emergency traffic for me...
- Solved my own RFI problem
- Intros II
- I'm now radio active.... sort of...
- Being an ICOM guy and all when it comes to HF radios...
- Posting via Broadband Hamnet
- HRO Dallas! WOOHOO!!!
- Extreme Solar Storm
- a rock solid signal...
- so ... i just unfavorably compared the LOTW signup to a colonoscopy
- The NSA now monitoring JT65?
- VOX + Soundcard Modes = Accidental 599 Contact
- Ham Fucking Geniuses
- Had a good DX night
- ARES/RACES/EOC Free Software
- KP1 Navassa: January 2015!!
- Looks Interesting, Foung it in an interesting place
- Bob's New HTs
- I obtained a Kenwood RZ-1 Reciever
- How cool is this
- The Yaesu FT-991 has been priced
- Ham Radio Random Thoughts
- Youkits, X1M and similar rigs - anyone worked with them?
- Gray Line Propagation
- Is 28.425 MHz the new 14.313 MHz ???
- 60 meters
- Alinco DR-135LH 40-45 mhz Radio
- Back On The Air
- Special Event/DX Expeditions & Mobile/QRP
- RadioShack Toyland Commercial
- I let the smoke out......(Part two of three)
- Why old radios are fun!
- Used Gear Craziness
- Baofent UV-5R: Go Figure
- Wanna know why Ham Radio will never get more frequency allocation?
- Licensing class materials?
- RS clearances...
- So, this happened yesterday....
- LIDList
- Why?
- odd noise on 446.000
- Review: SainSonic AP510
- 75/80 meter indoor loop antenna
- "Works as it should" New cliche for the 2000 teens?
- One Reason "Normal" People Think Hams Are Weird
- QRZ founder on a ham opriented short wave broadcast
- Antennas on a Chip
- Opinions on Yaesu FT-991
- My First Meaningful QSO
- Capacitor Question.
- OK, this is a new one on me.
- Well, this is interesting!
- Echo link...can I ?
- Buddipole FUN!
- Operating in Oklahoma parks and refuges
- Bottom Feeding AND the BIG STUPID
- Look at what I got today...
- Call signs? This dude has Former Call Signs!
- Tree Fishing
- Dayton 2015
- More Aluminum Bad Craziness
- Maunder Minimum
- QRP thread
- WA6ITF Bill Pasternak SK
- 6 meter noob
- What's this thing?
- More questions, Rotator division
- Great cat call
- New gear day.
- LF Activity Day
- 40 Meter CW for $10.00 ??
- W2AMR/Backyard portable.
- Retivis RT-9000D
- Fun contact today
- HAM RADIO,, The REAL Truth!!!!!
- PSK31
- Figures
- Heathkit is back
- Vibroplex Buys Inrad
- JT65
- Northern Lights
- CEPT agrees on 60 meter spectrum
- Breaking the SERA control on regional repeater lists
- Captain reports abandoned boat via 14.300
- When did "banned" start at
- QST QST, a wonderful new S-METER.
- Exciting SDR news!
- VY1RST Yukon on 14.245 loud in WA
- “Can you say ‘Whacker?’”
- Perhaps a dumb question
- Catty shack.
- 7.285 now
- Lookee what I found....
- is there a reason to keep around old copies of the world radio tv handbook?
- 40 meters
- Looking for a ham-related project for your raspberry pi?
- Wifi Controlled Remote Antenna Switch
- Has anyone updated their name/address using ULS?
- Thought you guys might enjoy this...
- Splash one SDR Transceiver....
- 6 meters
- MLink 5 USB Radio Adapter
- when you do that stupid thing and buy used equipment on ebay ...
- Stumbled on this on reddit
- What radio- how and why?
- I'm Radioactive
- ARRL "Rainbow of Badges"
- Hotter than hell at the ratnest
- The hobby- what is it really for you?
- Field day for me....
- Going contesting
- Well, I've stepped in it now....
- AES going under.
- Thrilling night on the radio....
- 21 months later...
- hara not signing leases...
- so, when a NAL is filed, why don't amateurs like these lose their licenses?
- WSPR....
- Meanwhile in the Ham Shack: EP4 "Tasmania"...
- Wackermobile Extreme
- moving to a new region. change call sign, even if not a forever move?
- Ham Friend... Grrrrr.....
- For Interested Party
- Florida Repeater Council database leaked
- Hurricane Nets....
- I-Know-This-Isn't-Ham-Radio-Related-But.....It Could Be!
- My packet node is back online and...
- Happy Thankgiving
- Looking for another rig
- 160 and 80 good cndx
- Building Code
- Abraham Cozzi....
- For those who don't like ads...
- AT&T High Seas Station ... demolished
- Since we don't have a DX'ing forum....
- Anyone ever written a XML-RPC control for fldigi?
- The ARRL is shortsighted
- podcasts we like (for ham radio)?
- WA1ZMS 2 meter trans atlantic beacon.
- I suppose that's one advantage to living here ...
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