View Full Version : "Rumpus Room"
- The Story of Cain and Able: from the Perspective of The Good Lord Above
- How piss off a nerd in about 45 seconds...
- Flies in the Kitchen.
- Too bad we don't have commercials like these in the US. Might lighten things up a bit
- Ham Chick!
- Valentine's Day
- Don't call the game warden on me but.......
- The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit NSFW
- She named him Dick
- The Baptist & The Texas Cowboy...
- Gas prices.........
- Things you might NOT know...
- A real mystery..
- This 1%er is a real AH
- Rick Santorum, A BLR sounbite
- Limbaugh reaches a new low...
- Good news for those inclined to embibe too often!
- The drunk Scotsman
- A funny!
- Beware The Ides of March
- Joke
- Kentucky Fans Are #vcking Awesome!
- Another silly Joke....
- The History of English
- My Friend Joey Diapers
- Jokes Yuks Laughs Ha ha and Jocularity Thread
- MADtv at it's Sickest.
- Acronym Fail
- More Fail!
- I'm Crazy and I'm Right! More from BLR!
- *snicker*
- Crazy Hippie Sits on Airbag
- Sex With Dick Cheney
- Relationship
- Cool person test - how cool were you in HS?
- Hot stuff.............R rated....
- Western Society Explained
- When You're Married
- Octo Porn Mom [NSFW] just in case huh?
- It's Real and NSFW
- Video thread
- Way to go Tex
- Big More Dumb, Bigger Dumb
- It's Mammarial Day!
- Chief No-Pee-Pee {NSFW}
- The difference between grandma and grandpa
- Where are we??????
- Taking the bus
- Romney dog video
- What a Shi#y Friend!
- Stoned Flies
- Beware the electric fence
- What got spilled Where?
- Hey, Adam...
- Woman, 24, posed as teenage boy to trick girl, 15, into having sex with her
- No Wonder My Golf Game Suffers...........
- $25 million awarded steelworker in racial suit
- Minnesota dairy farmer
- Best Father's Day Gift? ;)
- Woman Suffers Burns Trying To Hide Fireworks
- Netfix Streaming service has some of the hottest PRON.
- Aussie's!
- Good comeback............
- What Makes Microsoft Great !!
- Mystery Scat-don't view while eating
- UP
- Rubber *** *** Mistaken for Mushroom on Chinese News
- "Mounted" police...
- negative to positive
- Facebook lulz with Bill
- Too Soon?
- Sony NEW product developed!
- I'm Coming Out
- It happens
- Terrible Fireworks Mishap
- My New Dog
- Does this place come with a user manual?
- beware of old ladies
- Men - careful what you say
- Nap Time: Alternative Child Care
- An Earworm for a Hot Summer's Night
- Octomom makes her stripping debut.
- disqualified
- No laughing you knuckleheads.
- Wanna see what I'm cooking?
- Ok, this is kind of random...Fishbone.
- The ganesha thread reminded me of this video
- Don't play cars with this guy
- Olympic Freestyle Team
- Totally GREAT movie
- OMG! OMG! PowerBall! Guess what!?
- We Got Royal Panties For Sale...
- STAR TREK: Someone traded the dilithium crystals for porn! NSFW!!
- Elvis Died?
- 10 states that buy the most sex toys
- Paul Is Dead. The Mockumentary in its entirety.
- I have an idea!!!
- One Year Old Girl Found to be Pregnant. Really.
- His name is Mudd
- Aggressive debt collection tactics are drawing federal scrutiny
- Mrs. Slocum and Her Pussy.
- Husband Misses Amateur Radio
- Hey Adam
- Dumbest humans on the planet?
- New Husband Store
- Ford has a New Mustang in the Works.
- Drift Mustang vs. Race Mustang. (VIDEO)
- It's A. NO it's C. Hardest Questions on Millionaire. (VIDEO)
- Death by Extreme Pain. They Really are Shameless.
- No, Really...Just swallow
- Cowboy Tombstone
- Drink Diet Drinks? Drink Sugar-Free Drinks? Chew Gum? You'll Want to Read This.
- XYL has a Headache? Well You Can Tell Her You Got Her Cure Right HERE. (NSFW)
- Remember 20-Minute Workout?? (Women in Tights VIDEO)
- Been bald for awhile like me?
- One of life's great mysteries, finally answered!
- "Ladies" of the Night Gearing Up for GOP Convention...
- Todd Akin Claims Breastmilk Cures Homosexuality
- VIDEO: The 5 Most Comically Bad Anti-Gay Ads, Ever
- Make your own or use other's free e-cards
- The fart
- Obama The Sex Doll (NSFW??)
- Man with Mega Moobs Wants Them Off.
- Woman Suing, Claims McDonald's Turned Her Into a Prostitute.
- NASA's UFO Files
- The Phone Call
- Sixty Years Ago, UFOs Flew Over Washington D.C.
- Epiphany
- Man falls on subway tracks, gets robbed, hit by train
- Back up rigs
- Ask God
- Police Rescue Yields Surprise.
- Rumpus Because of One "F" Word
- We got a Possum Neighbor...
- disturbing playgrounds
- Fun Things to do with Sp**m (NSFW)
- Let My People Vote!
- Surely, your not serious... (PG-13, but probably NSFW)
- Students, Experts Recoil at Alcohol Enema Case
- The Psych Approach
- What Would NeoCon Jesus Do?
- Meet the Fokkens: Amsterdam's oldest prostitutes
- I'll just leave this here.
- Hear anyone familiar?
- Best World Record
- How I Seize It #4: "Homophobia" NSFWNSFW (NSFW)
- Ya want fries wit dat?
- The way hams are REALLY perceived
- What's behind the hatred of ham radio contests?
- Triumph the Insult Comic Dog (NSFW
- Male Birth Control
- 45 best pics of guys scared shitless in a haunted house
- Mormon Missionary Positions NSFW
- Morris Code?
- Monkey haiir
- Gaia
- My Operation went well
- Angels in the Cockpit
- Justice..
- Just Fred
- These two should not be on the same bench
- Too good not to post
- Man Sues Wife Over Ugly Baby.
- What is this?
- The Fight Over Pussy Riot.
- Let's Have Another Captions Contest
- News Stories That Don't Read Quite Right...
- Warning to Older Men
- Everytime You See A Rainbow ...
- The greatest interview in TV history
- Three dogs at the vet's
- Why we should let the South Secede
- and U thought SX-88s were Expensive!
- Bird Haulers R Us
- I Thought This Was Funny
- Another chance to share my favorite Thanksgiving story, rumpus-room type...
- The Anti-Pussy Riot.
- Secruity Guards, Custodians and IT personell...
- The barfly
- Cruising for teenage girls
- Proof positive of global warming
- How To Modify a Nerf Gun
- A Little Fender Bender. Oh BTW
- Decals Anyone?
- 27 YO Female Teacher Convicted of having Group Sex with four boys
- Coming In Loud & Clear
- Blind cashier at Cabela's
- Beer Troubleshooting chart.
- A Charlie Brown Reunion Christmas Possible NSFW
- Random Dumba$$ Funny Picture Thread possible NSFW
- WRT "Stay Off My Lawn"...
- The things I see while riding my bike...(NSFW)
- Project Report..
- 1947: Roswell, NM
- A Very Jesus Christmas meh
- Random Joke Thread
- A letter to Santa
- testing for a gas leak
- This one's for Travis.
- Hole Live
- Fortune
- This is hot!
- how to trick people into thinking you're good looking
- Dish Network, the Meanest Company in America?
- How Did Humans Figure Out That Sex Makes Babies?
- Final Destination Bridge Collapse
- This Goes In Rumpus!
- Affluent Anonymous
- I have no words to express how wrong this is...
- Cliches Really Do Happen in Real Life
- Ann Coulter True or False
- He's Back!
- Claude the Hypnotist
- This is pretty fun
- My Deer Feeder Is Better Than Yours (Definitely NSFW!!)
- Meh
- Weather Channel Water
- Best fart scene ever
- Raining spiders in Brazil apparently
- Jesus is my nigga [probably NSFW]
- U of Washington Study - Do More "Women's" work Get Less Whoopie.
- True Facts About the Mantis
- This is FUN. Casey Kasem and a bunch of radio NSFW
- Why we shoot deer
- Oven shoots woman.
- Adolf Hitler and Frankenstein Running for Office (Not the Onion).
- When Amateur Hair Tutorials Go Wrong
- When a man trying to put on his pants goes wrong -- as seen on Youtube.
- Idiot ruins wedding.
- Sign From God: Immaculate Butthole
- Grope what? Lane (NSFW)
- Why is there so little HAM RADIO talk here?
- The value of a catholic education and a pencil
- I Love You So Hard! part 3 NSFW
- Eat me.
- The 39 Year-Old Virgin. Got A New One And It Only Cost Him An Arm.
- How did he do that?
- Ninjas Shot Me in the Nads. (Not the Onion)
- Talk about stupid!!!!
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