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Thread: So you guys are editing signatures now?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by nx6d View Post
    No, that's not going to work.

    I went through the zed wars in the 00's and it's nothing like this at all. I got banned over there twice. Once for jamming an asshole veteran about his benefit package and the second and final time for calling Dilmus an "alpha hotel". That's right, "alpha hotel" not "asshole". I've said FAR worse things here, and it's not an issue, and no, it's not because I'm one of the "favored" ones. I have about as many postings as you do, so it's not like longevity is an issue here.

    You need to chill out. ALL of us have a tendency to rattle cages a little bit, but you seem to cross the Rubicon every time you go there. I've had many issues with people here, not with you specifically, but I, with a few exceptions, (Dilmus, N2RJ) have kept it off the radar. You seem to take every slight and turn it into a grand mal explosion after YOU make the provocative statement when you are challenged.

    Sorry, but I don't think that's right. Calling someone a "nazi" is bad form period, I don't care about the Seinfeld reference. Like I said, Jeff isn't always right, but he's a damn sight short of some those asshole mods on the zed.
    I think you really don't know what the f*ck you're talking about, to be quite frank.

  2. #22
    SK Member 05/26/2022 WX7P's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by N2KKM View Post
    I think you really don't know what the f*ck you're talking about, to be quite frank.
    Ok, that's your opinion, and I'll leave it at that.

  3. #23
    Orca Whisperer W3WN's Avatar
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    For the record, I didn't care for Seinfeld's trivializing with that episode either. I thought it was, no pun intended, in poor taste.

    Sorry Kell. I like you, I really do, but if you're going to head down this road again, I not going to stop you -- or stop anyone else from doing whatever they feel needs to be done, should things get that far. Chill.
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by W3WN View Post
    For the record, I didn't care for Seinfeld's trivializing with that episode either. I thought it was, no pun intended, in poor taste.

    Sorry Kell. I like you, I really do, but if you're going to head down this road again, I not going to stop you -- or stop anyone else from doing whatever they feel needs to be done, should things get that far. Chill.
    If my Nazi comment offended anyone, I'm sorry. I did have the Soup Nazi and Colonel Klink in mind when I wrote it. Despite what you may think, I wasn't angry. Everyone thinks I'm angry all the time and I'm not. Last night I had to leave at 11:45 to pick my daughter up from work and I was giddy from being overtired, but not angry. Yes, I did call Jeff out on editing the signature because IMO here on HI where mods editing sigs on QRZ has been made to be a HUGE deal, I think people should know that the same things happen here.

    It's no secret that Jeff dislikes me and I really don't care whether he does or doesn't, but after 36 years of being a walking doormat-- the last five, I just don't let people do that sort of thing to me anymore. If Jeff's embarrassed because he pulled a Zed, he should be. That's as far as it goes. I'm not angry, I'm not upset, it is what it is. I complied with his avatar change. I wasn't going to argue. I wasn't planning on keeping the pics around for long anyway, I made my point with them, I just didn't get around to changing them again yet. But if you think I'm breaking a rule, ask me to change it and give me a chance to comply -- don't pull a Zed move on me. Had it happened on the Zed you guys would be all over it.

  5. #25
    SK Member Feb 2017 W4GPL's Avatar
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    Kelli, the decision to do what I did was after the entire moderation team discussed it. I didn't single you out, get over yourself, please.

  6. #26
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Keeping the following somewhat short because of the Xoom-

    Here's the thing with avatar, sig-line and other pictures: I simply don't care. But people's employers or coworkers might - for reasons known only to them - and when the staff receives notice that member-posted content is problematic, it may necessitate immediate attention.

    The issue isn't one of doormats - rather, boundaries. I'll grant you it's unfortunate that the world doesn't play by one big open set of standards, but it is what it is. Jeff made the right call, all things considered.

    Additionally, the fact that our members are allowed to discuss subjects like this instead of being tossed out on their asses for questioning or insulting the forum owner and/or staff should clearly indicate that we are NOT like other hobby forums. This isn't an old-boys club. It's an amateur radio forum which also accommodates non-amateur-radio-related dialog.

    Shamelessly swiping a line from Janet: Your experience here is what YOU make it.
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  7. #27
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    Wait... So you're saying that a sig pic that was there for at least two or three days suddenly was seen as so horrid that a staff member had to edit it instead of giving the user time to do it themselves? Not buyin' it.

    As far as my experience here, notice I'm not letting this affect it? Because I don't really care -- all I did was call Jeff out for the hypocrisy of editing it. Defend that hypocrisy if you want, I don't really care one way or the other. I said what I needed to say and I'm done with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by W4GPL View Post
    Kelli, the decision to do what I did was after the entire moderation team discussed it. I didn't single you out, get over yourself, please.
    Try reading what I wrote. I said I didn't disagree with your asking me to remove them. I've said that over and over. You're missing the point. Either you're doing it deliberately or you're not as smart as I thought you were.

    Later, boys.
    Last edited by N2CHX; 08-07-2012 at 08:10 AM.

  8. #28
    SK Member Feb 2017 W4GPL's Avatar
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    I didn't bother to check if you were online, I didn't know when you'd be online, I didn't think it was that big of an issue. I was in there, I saw it and said "oh, I'll do that too while I'm here and PM her again..." You didn't even given me the 5 minutes to complete those couple of steps before you had your little piss fit. The action taken would have been the same across the board for any member or any moderator doing it. You're really blurring some lines here.

    If you're OK with the actions we wanted to take, what does it matter what road we took to get there? It was just a pragmatic quick couple of clicks while I was in the admin panel. Yeesh!

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by W4GPL View Post
    I didn't bother to check if you were online, I didn't know when you'd be online, I didn't think it was that big of an issue. I was in there, I saw it and said "oh, I'll do that too while I'm here and PM her again..." You didn't even given me the 5 minutes to complete those couple of steps before you had your little piss fit. The action taken would have been the same across the board for any member or any moderator doing it. You're really blurring some lines here.

    If you're OK with the actions we wanted to take, what does it matter what road we took to get there? It was just a pragmatic quick couple of clicks while I was in the admin panel. Yeesh!

    "I got the PM about the avatar from GPL and I changed it. However, my signature pic was deleted with no warning whatsoever. So are you guys playing QRZed now, or what?"
    is a piss fit? Earlier you said that I didn't give you 120 seconds to PM me about it, but you weren't busy PM'ing me, as you responded to this and I never got a PM about it. I was online at the time, posting on other things. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. If I misjudged your intent and was too hasty, I apologize.

  10. #30
    SK Member Feb 2017 W4GPL's Avatar
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    I keep several windows open at a time that refresh the forums, while writing the PM, I saw you made this thread. The other mods can check the time stamps of activity to prove this.. it was hasty, and apology excepted.

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