
I make no bones about it, I do not like the the Republicans.
I feel far more at home in the Latino community than at any "white" functions.
I am afraid of the police, just my hangup.
But when asked, a group of 70+ Latinos said that "We do not feel that we belong".
When I listed off my hangups and issues nearly everyone agreed with me.
For the rest of the evening I spoke nothing but Spanish and by the end was applauded for several minutes.
Finally it hit me, "I" do not belong!
I have grown up afraid of the white kids and have adopted the Latino community, or the other way around, take your pick.
Most want to support America, it is just that it seems like the US is giving preference to every place but the US.
Jobs and aid are being sent out of the country and immigrants are being given preference over people who have been here the entire time.

There were other issues brought to the table but the bottom line is that there was massive support for quite a few common goals.