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Thread: FM on 11M

  1. #11
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    That's interesting, I was active on several NYC repeaters, and that one was part of a linked cross-band system. I don't recall bands other than 10, 2, and 70cM, the 10M transmitter was upstate somewhere because on 10 the inputs and outputs are only 600KHz apart. When it came to Europeans using US repeaters the one in Texas was IT. I heard it 5 & 9 in NJ and the funny thing (both odd and humorous) was I never heard a US station on it

    Then there are repeater lids, here's a short story about one. He set up a linked cross-band system on 6, 2, 1.25M and 70cM in an unconventional and worst possible way. Have you guessed the worst possible way? OK, input and output on the FM simplex calling frequencies! Yep, make a call on one and it went out on all the others! Since they all I.D.ed with his callsign it was easy to contact him, and I warned him politely (although I was infuriated) there would be dire consequences. I got the horse laugh, he claimed it was perfectly legal, nothing in FCC Part 97 against it. I reminded him I said nothing about the FCC and left it at that. About a week later I checked back with one rig on one band and another rig on another band, the QRM generator had bitten the dust, and I never heard him again. Back in the day there were CB midnight antenna parties, not putting them up if you get my drift.
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

  2. #12
    Master Navigator K4PIH's Avatar
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    Did a few pins in the coax in my CB days. One guy we particularly disliked we took an old CH14 walkie talkie (14 was the chat channel in my area) and combined it with one of the flashing lights you see on road construction projects. Hid it in the woods right across the street from his house. During the day he was happy and jawed away but when dark fell and the carrier on 14 kept going on and of "kerchunk kerchunk until dawn he was furious. Typical buy a radio guy, had no idea what was going on. Hell the damn thing might still be in the woods 50 years later.
    "Don't put it on the plate if you can't eat it!"

  3. #13
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K4PIH View Post
    Did a few pins in the coax in my CB days.
    Some operators kept two or more dogs for that.

    One, a Chihuahua that could detect your shenanigans long before the pin was inserted. The other (sometimes a pack) were German Shepherds or something equally aggressive.

    There also were methods of area denial which got the point across very effectively. Go home to your wife smelling like pig shit or cheap perfume and try to explain THAT away.
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  4. #14
    Orca Whisperer W3WN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KF6HHH View Post
    So now that 11M (CB) is supposed to be going to allow FM phone in addition to AM, do you think this is a good idea or not? Will you look at 11M FM as something to check out? I am waiting to see if they make any CB radios with AM, FM, and SSB, also if they will allow an increase in wattage for output power. The 12W allowed on SSB, if allowed on FM phone could be interesting.
    Who cares?
    “Nobody is going to feel sorry for us. 90% of the people don’t care, the other 10% are glad it happened.” — Clint Hurdle, 2019


    Fudd's First Law of Opposition: If you push something hard enough, it WILL fall down.
    Teslacle's Deviant to Fudd's Law: It goes in, it must go out.

    Just remember: Abraham Lincoln didn't die in vain. He died in Washington, DC

    Cutch 300!!!!!

    “Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Trump golfed.” — Bernie Sanders

    Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

  5. #15
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    Don't be a service snob, it's unbecoming.

    I'm into radio for radios sake so I think it will be interesting to see what FCC has wrought in allowing this. I'm curious how fm capture will coexist in a predominantly am environment.

    Like that post was...
    Moving on, my posts are not helpful

  6. #16
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WZ7U View Post
    I'm into radio for radios sake so I think it will be interesting to see what FCC has wrought in allowing this..
    One of my coworkers (a volunteer fireman) reached out to me regarding non-FD comms and options for facilitating such for him and his family.

    I've got them GMRS licensed; a mobile rig is to be set up in his office and with it a MURS base rig - both tied via duplexer to a 150/460MHz dual-band vertical. Likewise, an all-mode CB rig will be joining that collection. He's also thinking about getting a ham ticket and I advised the acquisition of an SDS-200 or similar digital-capable wide range scanner.

    All tools in the toolbox, so they have options if needed.
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  7. #17
    Orca Whisperer W3WN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WZ7U View Post

    Don't be a service snob, it's unbecoming.

    I'm into radio for radios sake so I think it will be interesting to see what FCC has wrought in allowing this. I'm curious how fm capture will coexist in a predominantly am environment.
    Sorry. But you misunderstood.

    I have never had an interest in CB. I went from SWLing to my Novice ticket. So I just don’t get it.

    So the manufacturers have convinced the FCC to permit FM, in addition to AM and SSB. So? It’s just another voice mode.

    Are the users clamoring for it? Haven’t seen any signs of it. So is there going to be a huge influx of new FM capable rigs suddenly on the air? Are we going to see a sudden group of FM users, bumping into the old established user groups? Turf wars? Armed insurrection? A 27 MHz civil war?

    Or is it going to go over with a big thud, and basically be ignored for years, as a solution to a problem that never existed? Which is what I anticipate.

    Which leads to the penultimate question... Who cares?
    “Nobody is going to feel sorry for us. 90% of the people don’t care, the other 10% are glad it happened.” — Clint Hurdle, 2019


    Fudd's First Law of Opposition: If you push something hard enough, it WILL fall down.
    Teslacle's Deviant to Fudd's Law: It goes in, it must go out.

    Just remember: Abraham Lincoln didn't die in vain. He died in Washington, DC

    Cutch 300!!!!!

    “Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Trump golfed.” — Bernie Sanders

    Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

  8. #18
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    "Did a few pins in the coax in my CB days."
    That's why I ran the coax from my basement radio room/shop/man cave to the antenna mounting brackets through steel EMT with an entrance L and cobra cap painted the same color as the siding.

    "One guy we particularly disliked we took an old CH14 walkie talkie (14 was the chat channel in my area) and combined it with one of the flashing lights you see on road construction projects."
    Ah yes, the old walkie talkie in a tree trick. Our local "KKK" mob got their comeuppances via the constabulary with a little help from me and my girlfriend. I had one of those AM radio/walkie talkie combos that I crystaled up for the channel they hung out on, cross wired the selector switch, and the PTT so it transmitted whatever AM station it was tuned to. Naturally I tuned it to the local soul station, hooked it up to a wall wart, and stashed it behind my girlfriend's dresser, she lived on the second floor back to back with the ringleader's house across the block. He was FURIOUS when all he could hear on his home channel was that n..... station! The fire grew hotter when he and his friends tried to track it down and found it coming from his house, I sat listening to them ROTFLMAO! Then it happened, unable to find it riding around in their cars, one night they took to creeping around in neighbors' yards, naturally they called the cops on the prowlers, they got rounded up and ened up cooling their heels in the local hoosegow. Maybe it was the old lady's doing, but the "Grand Dragon" and a few "Kluxers" weren't heard again.

    "All tools in the toolbox, so they have options if needed."
    Do they have the most important one of all, a round tuit? There are stories about it, unfortunately all of them too long for here, so you'll have to write your own IF you get a round tuit.

    "I have never had an interest in CB. I went from SWLing to my Novice ticket. So I just don’t get it."
    You really don't want it, last I heard before I sold out they talked funny, there was too much fighting and one was even shot to death. It was good before it went to hell in a hand basket thanks to Breakit Breakit and The Pukes of Hazmat, for my friends and I it was a radio and antenna school, a stepping stone to Amateur Radio. Last I heard the sharks ate each other in a mass feeding frenzy and it became a beacon band for 10M that often the lights were on but nobody home. When the chicken banders were "shooting Skip" and I'm sure he didn't appreciate it, I tuned up to 10 and called CQ, at least ONE ham was home.

    "Which leads to the penultimate question... Who cares?"
    We do, it gives us something to talk about besides the same old boring mess... politics. Now that the penultimate question has been answered I'm curious as to what the ULTIMATE question might be... or am I really? Working backward here's the answer, 42.
    Last edited by kb2vxa; 10-10-2021 at 01:27 PM.
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

  9. #19
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    To answer the question: How will an overmodulated mic etc sound?
    Like pretty bad, maaaan.
    Power mics need to be turned down.
    Mic gain controls need to be reduced.
    Signal bandwidth needs to be increased. 12.5 mhz?
    Ability to receive and demodulate wider signals needs to be addressed.

  10. #20
    Lord of the Flies kb2crk's Avatar
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    I guess all of my 23 channel SBEs and Motorola are obsolete now?????
    Nope and I see no reason to get a newer CB,,,,

    a yankee living in the hind end of the bible belt
    some people are like slinkys, not really good for anything, but still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.

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