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Thread: Oh, mama!

  1. #1
    Pope Carlo l NQ6U's Avatar
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    Jun 2010
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    Oh, mama!

    I bought some salted dried codfish (in Italian, baccala) to make a traditional Italian Christmas eve pasta dish. Now I have this song stuck in my head:

    There’s also this version, which is probably the one I’ve heard most. Louis Prima jazzes it up a bit:

    Both versions are sung in Sicilian, by the way.
    All the world’s a stage, but obviously the play is unrehearsed and everybody is ad-libbing his lines. Maybe that’s why it’s hard to tell if we’re living in a tragedy or a farce.

  2. #2
    Orca Whisperer W3WN's Avatar
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    From that title, I thought you might be in fear for your life from the long arm of the law.

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    Fudd's First Law of Opposition: If you push something hard enough, it WILL fall down.
    Teslacle's Deviant to Fudd's Law: It goes in, it must go out.

    Just remember: Abraham Lincoln didn't die in vain. He died in Washington, DC

    Cutch 300!!!!!

    “Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Trump golfed.” — Bernie Sanders

    Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

  3. #3
    Whacker Knot WØTKX's Avatar
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    "Where would we be without the agitators of the world to attach the electrodes
    of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?" ~ Professor "Dick" Soloman

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