I broke out my yaesu vx-6 tribander ht this weekend and gave it a good charge after too many years in storage and amazingly it charged up and held the charge, but my yaesu ft-530 dual bander batteries were doa even after forever on the charger so I have to order new fnb-27's but the bigger issue is finding all these new operating modes that snuck in while I was gone and limits my repeater use now and renders my gear semi obsolete since many that I was a reg on went dstar, fusion, dmr, wires x with new pl jargon cc1, cc2.cc3. cc6, nac 293. I mean I never heard of any of this new stuff and I am not going to go out and buy new radios with all these new things, I don't have the money and my 2 ht's and mobile dual band are still good. I am not going to play keep up with the Jones's of ham radio trying to come back to the hobby a little after all these years away from it because my entire life was turned upside down and inside out and I had to give up everything except for my job to deal with everything that was dropped on my head and thrown at me on top of it all