Okay, so today I am trying to work out a proof of a specialized variation of a mathematical theorem. The theorem defines an identity involving vectors in multidimensional space and operations on multidimensional vectors. I spent a good part of the day attempting the proof but not succeeding. Finally, with only a few moments to spare as the dinner call was made I decided to give it one last shot and viola... my proof was a success. Almost immediately upon achieving a success at last I felt that euphoric rush of endorphin, almost like an opiate rush but much more satisfying and much more natural. I have felt similarly when solving both technical problems as well as with non-technical achievments. I have often wondered if such pleasant feelings are what motivates many of us to delve into various technologies, hobbies, music, the arts and sciences, etc. I guess I am more of less thinking out loud at this point but wondering if others out here feel similarly over our positive achievements.