Talk all you want about elmering new young ops, this story has significance and means just as much to the Hamming community...

From, Ocala, Florida:

On May 10, Folsom asked her nephew to drive her to Green Clover Hall in the Marion County government complex, where the Silver Springs Radio Club oversees an evening exam session for amateur radio operators. She wanted to pass the test — not for what came after, but just to prove she could.

A handful of people milled around as Folsom navigated her walker through the classroom to a spot at one of the long tables. Most of the others were waiting to take an entry-level Technician Class license exam, which gets operators on the air; or a General Class license exam, which allows access to a greater number of frequencies available to amateur radio operators.
Folsom had come to take the most difficult exam for radio operators, the Extra Class License exam, which is full of advanced math and electronics. It's not unusual for people to pass it, but few bother to try...
Congratulations Ms Folsom or should I say KJ4DAD/AE?