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Thread: Stun gun countermeasures.

  1. #1
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    Stun gun countermeasures.


    The TASER has been billed as a "Less Than Lethal" solution.
    However there are also firearm rounds billed as less than lethal
    Some feel that simply by using a different round this will render the weapon safe.
    Yet we have had a security guard state that he was confused and shot someone with a pistol and not a TASER, yet we are expecting someone to be able to keep rounds segregated?
    Anyhow, it was decided that if the Republicans or Tea Party take over Texas the schematics and technical drawings of the very much lethal TASER countermeasures device would be published.
    This is 100% based on the device that some USA personnel in Iraq were Using on the Civil population.
    Again, the device can be used for torture and to stun but really is built to kill.
    This was not my decision and I am against this.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Anti-Winlink Warlord ki4itv's Avatar
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    My main countermeasure is to maintain a rather large and safe distance from any LEO who looks stressed in any way.

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  3. #3
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    If you are doing nothing wrong, Citizen, you have nothing to fear - or to hide.
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  4. #4
    Anti-Winlink Warlord ki4itv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by N8YX View Post
    If you never look like you're doing anything wrong, Citizen, you have nothing to fear - or to hide.

    Perception is 9.9/10ths of probable cause.

    "Bacon, Beans and Limousines"
    "Actually, it's a Democratic Republic; Democratic comes first".
    Please don't confuse my personality with my attitude. My personality is obviously me, But my attitude depends largely upon you.

  5. #5
    Orca Whisperer W3WN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by N8YX View Post
    If you are doing nothing wrong, Citizen, you have nothing to fear - or to hide.
    I know a pizza shop owner in Mt. Lebanon who would disagree with you.

    He was having an argument with a cop in front of his store regarding a disagreement over use of a parking space in front of his shop. The cop ended the argument by zapping the guy with his Taser. Put the guy in the hospital for a few days.

    If I recall the newspaper account correctly, this cost the municipality (and it's insurance carrier) several million dollars.
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    Fudd's First Law of Opposition: If you push something hard enough, it WILL fall down.
    Teslacle's Deviant to Fudd's Law: It goes in, it must go out.

    Just remember: Abraham Lincoln didn't die in vain. He died in Washington, DC

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  6. #6
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by W3WN View Post
    I know a pizza shop owner in Mt. Lebanon who would disagree with you.

    He was having an argument with a cop in front of his store regarding a disagreement over use of a parking space in front of his shop. The cop ended the argument by zapping the guy with his Taser. Put the guy in the hospital for a few days.

    If I recall the newspaper account correctly, this cost the municipality (and it's insurance carrier) several million dollars.
    Guy should show deference to The Man. After all...they're always correct in what they say and do.
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  7. #7
    Orca Whisperer W3WN's Avatar
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    I don't recall the full story, I'd have to look it up. As I recall, though, the pizza shop owner wasn't in the wrong, he was just getting animated and worked up.

    That being said... zapping someone with a heart condition with a Taser because (and only) he won't shut up when he's asked to by a cop is wrong. Cite him for disturbing the peace or disorderly conduct, place him under arrest, all sorts of other options weret availble.

    Reaching for the Taser FIRST is way over the line. And I don't care if there was provocation, the cops are supposed to be trained to know better -- and I was told THAT by a Whitehall (PA) cop we know socially (best man at my son's wedding, for one)
    “Nobody is going to feel sorry for us. 90% of the people don’t care, the other 10% are glad it happened.” — Clint Hurdle, 2019


    Fudd's First Law of Opposition: If you push something hard enough, it WILL fall down.
    Teslacle's Deviant to Fudd's Law: It goes in, it must go out.

    Just remember: Abraham Lincoln didn't die in vain. He died in Washington, DC

    Cutch 300!!!!!

    “Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Trump golfed.” — Bernie Sanders

    Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

  8. #8
    Forum Addict w3bny's Avatar
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    And what the police tell the public and what they actually do are two different animals! Like in P.G county here in MD. Guy hung himself in his cell with his shoe laces. Too bad no inmate is issues laces or shoes with laces. Lets go to the video...OOPS...seems the recorder in his cell mysteriously went tits up 15 minutes before the "suicide" and came back on after he did the deed.


    On edit...

    I dont get animated, upset, uptight, or anything with any LEO. Especially if its in the line of duty. All I gotta do is flail arms and say 110Mph..are you thing the radio call for crazy meskin with a gun goes out and I get triple tapped to the melon and earn a rusty .38 in my left hand.
    Last edited by w3bny; 11-03-2010 at 12:52 PM.
    Yeah...I'm a furry...Deal with it!

  9. #9
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by w3bny View Post
    And what the police tell the public and what they actually do are two different animals! Like in P.G county here in MD. Guy hung himself in his cell with his shoe laces. Too bad no inmate is issues laces or shoes with laces. Lets go to the video...OOPS...seems the recorder in his cell mysteriously went tits up 15 minutes before the "suicide" and came back on after he did the deed.

    "When good tune-ups go bad!"

    Isolated incident.
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  10. #10
    Forum Addict w3bny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by N8YX View Post
    "When good tune-ups go bad!"

    Isolated incident.
    in PG county...not really. Folks die in the back seat quite regularly here. And not to mention UMD rt.1 head hockey. Happens every Duke vs. UMD b-ball game.
    Yeah...I'm a furry...Deal with it!

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