We would like to inform you that as of the 29th of August you are late in updating your W-2 form submition with the new updated version. Please send us your completed W-2 update form by 10/09/2010. The updated version of the W-2 form please click on the link below:
Internal Revenue Service
Of course further examination of the actual imbedded html reveals:

We would like to inform you that as of the 29th of August you are late in updating your W-2 form <br>
submition with the new updated version. Please send us your completed W-2 update form by <br>
10/09/2010. The updated version of the W-2 form please click on the link below:<br>
<a href="http://lienket.us/home/W-2form.exe">http://www.irs.gov/irm/part3/W-2-update/</a><br>

Internal Revenue Service <br>
I'm not sure which is dumber. People who fall for this stuff, or the idiots who think people fall for this stuff. Probably the former.

The highlighted domain above resolves to Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam. Like that's a big surprise..... :roll: