There's a bumper under that duct tape? Rest assured in a few months that tape weathered off and he regretted using indoor tape outdoors. You mean hedidn't want to put MORE holes in it, you're looking right at one. That was Dayton 2008, I was there in 2000 IIRC the last one before the roof fell in, no porkies to be seen BUT I just HAD to get a picture of my evil twin brother. I was SO embarrassed, point, shoot, split!

So Cor you're doing fine with the newly repaired Imax, that's GREAT! According to NAVPERS, US Navy radio training manuals I had back in the day, tube transmitters with pi network outputs tolerated well SWR up to 3:1. Well, if it's military it's built to withstand an atomic bomb! My last job was electrical quality control in process and final for a company making magnetic components, transformers, chokes, etc. for military applications, you wouldn't believe how tight tolerances are. I wouldn't worry about a 1:1.5 SWR, that's only a 50 ohm transmitter looking into a 75 ohm load like a dipole. Using a trusty Bird 43 in line watt meter you see actual forward and reflected watts, then use the SWR conversion chart if that really matters.