So I thought I'd make one of my external hard drives into a boot disk & save myself the trouble of swapping the internal hard drive. After most of an afternoon I gave up....just couldn't do it.

In the "Make boot disk" gui, the first thing it asks for is where to get the image from. So I tried to tell it, over and over. It refused to accept anything. After hitting "open" in the file requester, the file never showed up in the window of the gui. Could be I was telling it the wrong type of file...but then, the instructions said to us the ".iso" file, AND the file requester came up defaulted to that file type. And that's the kind of file it refused to accept. It didn't actually say it didn't accept just didn't put it in the window in the main "Create Boot Disk" gui.

So I thought that maybe it doesn't need to be there, so I told it to make a certain drive a boot drive. It did that wonderfully well! Trouble is....the computer recognized it as a boot disk, but couldn't find a boot image. Well, DUH! Of course it couldn't because the stupid gui didn't put it there because it didn't seem to be talking to the filre requester.

But then things got nasty. Somehow, in this process, that disk became unreadable by linux. No big deal, it started out empty, so nothing's lost. But what depressed me is I couldn't do anything with that hard drive because linux refused. I couldn't even format it. If I tried to linux gave me a snide (well, not really, but after hours of dealing with this it certainly seemed snide! ) response and said it can't do anything. So.......(Wah! Sob!! Growl!!!) I had to go back to windows to re-format that drive.

Mostly a ranting dump...but if anyone sees anything I did wrong, of course I'd like to hear from you. This kind of stuff really wearies me to the point where now, I'm content to stick to windows because if I boot up linux sure as shinola I'll migrate to fixing this problem....probably only to spend ANOTHER 3 hours finding out that I can't!