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Thread: Okay, Firefox experts...

  1. #1
    Orca Whisperer kf0rt's Avatar
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    Okay, Firefox experts...

    So, a few weeks ago, I was cruising some torrent sites looking for legal stuff ( ) and hit something that started opening a brazillion windows. Had to power the box off (Win XP) to get it to stop.

    Ever since, Firefox acts like it's deleting cookies when I exit (but it's not). The real symptom is that I have a few sites where I like to be automatically logged in, like here, iGoogle and a couple others. This no longer works and I have to log in every time. Settings sez cookies are enabled and deleted "when they expire."

    I even upgraded to the latest 3.5 version of Firefox, no help there, it still does it.

    Any ideas on how to fix this? Time to go "Chrome?" Gotta be some weird registry entry that got smashed...

  2. #2
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    Re: Okay, Firefox experts...

    Back the important stuff on another drive and reformat. Unless you're comfortable with digging around the registry. You could also look around "about.config" if you had a snapshot of the set up before you got your problem.

  3. #3
    Orca Whisperer kf0rt's Avatar
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    Re: Okay, Firefox experts...

    Reformat would be a 2 week project here. Seriously, reformatting the drive would be my last choice. I keep all my data well "partitioned" and backed up, but reinstalling all the software is a mammoth task. This box has about 3TB of local storage, and it's tough to build from scratch (it's the server for the home theater upstairs).

    Maybe uninstall Firefox, diss all the Firefox registry stuff and re-install? I'm pretty comfy with registry stuff.

    I'll look into the about.config -- forgot about that -- thanks!

  4. #4
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    Re: Okay, Firefox experts...

    Yeah, reinstalling FF doesn't fix registry problems unless it's wiped clean.
    You could look up registry errors for FF on the web. Just thought of that. Don't know what it would yield.

  5. #5
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    Re: Okay, Firefox experts...

    Just today I fixed a program that wasn't responding, could be this approach will work with Firefox without resorting to drastic measures. All attempts at repair/restoration failed so I uninstalled it, then deleted the folder always left behind. Next I removed any registry leftovers with CCleaner, then reinstalled the program from scratch, problem solved. Your bookmarks should be backed up to begin with and reloading the add-ons is no big deal.

    "...and hit something that started opening a brazillion windows."
    Next time don't go there? FYI Malwarebytes warns of infected IPs and halts access until you say otherwise, I tend to heed the warnings.
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
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    73 de Warren KB2VXA
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  6. #6
    Conch Master W2NAP's Avatar
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    Re: Okay, Firefox experts...

    reading this makes me glad i use linux

  7. #7
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    Re: Okay, Firefox experts...

  8. #8
    Whacker Knot WØTKX's Avatar
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    Re: Okay, Firefox experts...

    "Where would we be without the agitators of the world to attach the electrodes
    of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?" ~ Professor "Dick" Soloman

  9. #9
    Conch Master KJ3N's Avatar
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    Re: Okay, Firefox experts...

    Quote Originally Posted by W2IBC
    reading this makes me glad i use linux
    Reading this makes me glad I don't bother with torrent sites, or any peer-to-peer activity.
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  10. #10
    Administrator ad4mg's Avatar
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    Re: Okay, Firefox experts...

    Sounds like some type of malware, Rob. If you haven't already done so, download the free version of Malwarebytes, allow it to update, then do a full system scan.

    Download Malwarebytes Free version on CNet

    If you're using the system restore, best to cut that off (this will delete all previous restore points), fix the problem(s), then re-enable it and set a new restore point. Many viruses will include copies of itself in the restore files.

    Of course, a full system virus scan is in order as well.

    Both scans are best done in safe mode, if possible, which will make removal of the nasties easier.
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