[Andy Rooney vox]

Yah ever wonder why a good portion of the Harley riding community associates themselves with the Native American community? Really...just because your motorcycle may or may not say "Indian" on it doesn't necessarily make you an Indian. What if your motorcycle said "Mexican" on it...would you now have a propensity to pick tomatoes and lettuce?

And about those tassels hanging off your control bars....My 9 year old niece has a set too...pink and blue hanging of her Schwinn. So hard core Native American wanna be Harley Boi's now associate themselves with 9yo girls....isnt that cute? Where is the playing card in the spokes too.

Anyhow. Thats what questions I ask myself every morning as I make my daily commute.

This is Bunny...and I just wanna know.

[/Andy Rooney vox]