Anyone ever here of an outfit going by the name of Talkpod?
The head of WASHFest 2025 (the WASH Annual Hamfest) got a series of emails from someone representing this outfit, offering to donate several HT's to be given away to Youth. And they followed up with a donation of seven HT's.
The HT's are "A36PLUS" dual band HT's. Their site shows them here: . They appear to be available on Amazon in the $50 range, which appears to put them in the Baofeng price range, give or take.
...yes, we're going to give the HT's away at this year's 'fest, exactly how TBD. And I've been asked to give them a nice blurb in the next club newsletter. So I probably shouldn't look this proverbial gift horse too close in the mouth, to mash a metaphor, but I'm still curious about whom we're dealing with. I suspect it's just a "new" outfit trying to make a name for themselves, nothing more... even so...