Last few weeks, The Boss has started getting some phone calls from an "Account Manager" for an alleged outfit called "Extreme Keto Company" about an alleged past due amount.

Supposedly, she ordered a "free trial - just pay S&H" and her credit card for the S&H didn't work. Order was allegedly ordered and shipped on April 16th. April 16th, 2023.

Yeah, I know.

But this "account manager" frightened her anyway,. Reached the point where she went and talked to someone at our local bank branch, just to make sure that they DIDN'T have her CC number(s) [ and they don't, the last 4 digits don't match up with anything we have ]. Bank takes this stuff pretty seriously, as a precaution they cancelled her credit and debit cards immediately, and issued new ones (different account numbers) which we picked up this morning.

However... the "account manager" called back last night when I was home from work, so this time I got involved. Didn't have the Boss's name right. Couldn't tell us what was allegedly "ordered". Couldn't give me the same $$ allegedly due twice. But DID promise that if we didn't pay on the spot, she'd "escalate" this to the local police and have them show up on our door either to collect it or arrest us.

Over at most $106 & change over a civil matter? Yeah, right. Nice try.

Told her at this point to... go ahead and do it. And started to give her our lawyer's phone number (Mike K3AIR, incidentally). At which point she hung up.

I don't think we're hearing from her again.