Last December, end of the month, we had to replace the kitchen Over The Range (OTR) microwave after 5 years. It happens. Bought a GE microwave for a pretty penny.
Yesterday afternoon, power blipped off at the house. Electric company said that the interruption was caused by an accident, probably someone hitting a pole. No big deal, it happens. Power back on circa 6 PM. Everything but the 'new' microwave came back on.
Called GE. 1 year warranty, shouldn't be a problem, right?
Now they're saying it's not covered. Seems a power surge... there was no power surge and I never said that... is considered an "act of nature" and they don't cover it. $550 plus installation costs down the tubes.
...well, we'll see. As I was typing this, I was on the phone with the Home Depot Customer Care line... on hold, because THEY were on hold with GE Appliances. That's where they "explained" that the "power surge" wasn't covered. I clarified that I never said "power surge", that was said by the GE person on the phone when I called this in. I didn't pick up on it at the time, but now it's obvious that they were inserting the 'buzz word' to have an excuse to deny the warranty. I clarified that with HD CC, they told GE, we're now back on for warranty service.
I will have to have a word with the Boss. I have a feeling this won't be the last time we are told about a "surge." We shall see.
Surge my gluteus maximus.