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Thread: Things You Did As A Kid

  1. #21
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kb2crk View Post
    Brakes? we dont need no stinking brakes... ride it is out up the hill on the other side. Thats we we did in north jersey.
    STOP sign was next. Cul-de-sac was next. House was next. Wasn't no uphilling it! It was jump or die!

  2. #22
    Lord of the Flies kb2crk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KG4CGC View Post
    STOP sign was next. Cul-de-sac was next. House was next. Wasn't no uphilling it! It was jump or die!
    Well to uphill it you had to blow through three stop signs. Luckily the house was across the street at the top of the other hill. we just had to watch for the bus traffic and pray at everyone of the stop signs

    a yankee living in the hind end of the bible belt
    some people are like slinkys, not really good for anything, but still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.

  3. #23
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kb2vxa View Post
    One of my area ham buddies went to school with Cassandra and remains friends with her.
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  4. #24
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    The Left Coast had her out of La La Land, home of real life Hollyweird vampires and ghouls. She also had an out of character cameo in the closing scene of Cheech Marin's movie Born In East L. A. sitting on the back of the front seat of a pink Cadillac convertible. The Right Coast counterpart was John Zacherle, professionally Zacherle (pron. zak-er-lee) The Cool Ghoul host of Chiller Theatre on WCAU TV 6 Philadelphia, WOR-TV channel 9 Secaucus, NJ and later Disc-O-Teen, yet another American Bandstand clone on WNJU channel 47 licensed to Newark, both transmitting from The Gorilla Building in NYC. Dressed like Dracula with awful makeup he was extremely popular doing his Mystery Science Theater type bit with the engineer putting him as a cameo in classic horror movies when he wasn't live chatting with his unseen wife in a coffin and Gasport, a bouncing rag bag that made sounds like Cousin It before there was The Addams Family on TV. I have a rare clip of his Disc-O-Teen show and two parody song albums, Dinner With Drac and Spook Along With Zacherle on the Cameo-Parkway label in my CRYPTic archives. Oh, we can't forget his stint as a DJ on WPLJ Rock Radio 95.5 FM NYC, the call letters taken from Frank Zappa's much better remake of WPLJ (White Port & Lemon Juice) by The 4 Deuces in 1956. Hover your mouse pointer over the image for a chuckle.

    Zacherle bartender hic KABOOM.jpg

    The greatest prank Kevin and I ever pulled was The Invisible Rope Trick one night under the only streetlight next to a small woods across from a small county park on a small island in small Rahway, NJ where we grew up. When an occasional car came we crouched down on opposite sides of the road, when it got about 10 feet away we stood rearing back like we had a rope stretched across the road between us. Some drivers just kept going, some stopped looking around and went on their way, one panic stopped screeching to a halt up on the curb... THUMP! The driver enraged chased us into the dark woods we knew every inch of, he didn't. Behind us we herd him crashing into trees, tripping over roots and rocks doing face plants in the dirt, and we learned a few new words that night. I ran across the river on some large rocks, Kevin circled around behind him getting him to give chase where Kev ducked into a large concrete pipe, the storm sewer outlet under the bridge. I ran up across the river and watched the bloke chucking rocks into the pipe missing Kev in a square manhole chucking them back out at him. Oh no, that wasn't enough, I chucked the biggest rocks I could hitting him in the crossfire. That's when he skedaddled up onto the road, got in his car and high tailpiped it out of there tires squealing. We would have LOVED to have been flies on the wall when he got home and his wife asked how he got all bruised, wet, and muddy clothes all torn. That's ONE bloke who learned that road rage can have its consequences. (;->)
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
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    73 de Warren KB2VXA
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  5. #25
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kb2vxa View Post
    The greatest prank Kevin and I ever pulled was The Invisible Rope Trick...
    Not too far from where I live is the Ohio-Erie Canal. It's now a national park and has a very well-maintained walking/biking path, which itself was the old tow path - where horses and mules used to pull canal boats.

    Growing up, the area was a little different. People actually lived on the strip of land between the canal and the Tuscarawas River, and sections of the tow path were cordoned off - by poles supporting large diameter wire rope. Since no 4-wheeled vehicles could easily get into the area it was a natural magnet for those of us who had dirt bikes, mini bikes, pedal bikes, guns, fishing rods and girlfriends.

    I'm not sure of the circumstances but one of my cousins had a 12 year old friend who hit one of those wire ropes at high speed on his mini bike one evening - at dusk. The tow path was still coal and cinders back then (unlike today, where it's all crushed limestone) and the wire rope was dark and rusty without hazard signs attached. This rope was placed by the city - not by the land users/squatters.

    The kid broke his neck and died. Needless to say it didn't go over well downtown, and any shenanigans involving things strung across throughways will IMMEDIATELY draw the ire of our local constabulary.
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  6. #26
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    Somehow I don't understand what you're driving at, sorry OM.What is the connection between shenanigans and public safety? What is the connection between steel rope cordoning off a canal towpath to prevent cars from running over pedestrians at dusk and empty air under a streetlight on a main road? We have several old canals with towpaths now walkways paved with spalls in county and state parks blocked off with wooden pilings unmarked and unlit. I've walked them during normal visitors hours of course, after dark they are quite dangerous. I don't understand the apples to oranges connection here, but be that as it may.

    Speaking of kids racing where they aught not to be, back in the day I was an amateur rock and mineral collector, a "rock hound", and admittedly I with my father were trespassing in abandoned clay pits. Today there is a large shopping mall on the site. We were searching for marcasite aka white iron pyrite found in grey clay deposits. Nearby, kids were racing dirt bikes along the pit roads, one broke off from the group to climb a hill about 100ft high, from our angle we saw the other half was a cliff he didn't see. We thought we were about to witness his death plunge, we ran over just as he fell and the others noticing his absence ran to the direction they saw us running to. When we arrived we saw him swimming to shore, he landed in a pit filled with blue water clear as crystal about as deep as the hill was high. There at the bottom was this ant sized dirt bike, he was the only one not laughing hysterically.
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
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  7. #27
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kb2vxa View Post
    Somehow I don't understand what you're driving at, sorry OM.What is the connection between shenanigans and public safety? What is the connection between steel rope cordoning off a canal towpath to prevent cars from running over pedestrians at dusk and empty air under a streetlight on a main road?
    Ropes and cables across streets in the area have caused...problems. Evidently, the city didn't want another lawsuit (justified or not) so playing that sort of game here gets the perps jammed up with a quickness.
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  8. #28
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    I remember discovering that you could fire bottle rockets into the creek or lake.
    I loved listening to the sound they made, seeing the bubbles and watching the smoke come out of the bubbles before the muted little "thud" at the end.
    That occupied a good hour that day as we experimented with angles and various firing solutions. I think for a while we stood on the bridge and dropped them over the side after we got bored blowing everything up under the bridge.

  9. #29
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    "Evidently, the city didn't want another lawsuit (justified or not) so playing that sort of game here gets the perps jammed up with a quickness."
    Proof that we now live in a country populated by snowflakes afraid of their own shadows. More proof right where the invisible rope trick was carried out here in the photo thanks to Google Maps Street View. The three posts and crossbeam used to block vehicular access to what was a dirt road paved with cinders, the bar was movable and locked so only city vehicles could pass to maintain a culvert where a creek goes under the road and empties into the river. As you can see it was narrowed and realigned around the posts, now an open foot/bike path (and shortcut for motorcycles). (;->)

    Paper River Road.jpg

    Bottle rockets are puny, there are better ways to go fishing with explosives short of using depth charges. Dad and his WW2 buddies in Italy went fishing with hand grenades. This gave me an idea, M80s float, but tied to rocks with rubber bands they sink. The afore mentioned river is clear to the bottom in deep pools here and there, one we swam in is behind that island host to the invisible rope trick. Occasionally some large carp including goldies, unwanted goldfish that grew up would migrate to the pool. They're curious and pretty much indestructible, they swam over to the sparking fuses, it looked like they were smelling them. They were THAT close when <bump> that's all an M80 sounds like under water, no reaction. They "sniffed" one after another until we ran out of M80s. I guess we'd have to use those yellow 1/4 stick of dynamite equivalent "blockbusters" but we only had 1 1/2" ladyfingers and M80s, oh well. Do carp laugh?
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

  10. #30
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    When I was 8 or 9 I tied a giant peat moss bag to my arms and ran down a steep hill.
    I didn't try the parachute thing though.

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