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Thread: Mean Drunk

  1. #1
    Master Navigator koØm's Avatar
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    Mean Drunk

    It's 3:10 am

    Calibrate your response with that in mind; after 2 drinks, I don't suffer fools, or their foolishness and I am quick to make it known.

    Because I don't agree with them (the fools), I am classified as, "Opinionated". Perhaps if they were to widen that dredge ditch of limited thought patterns then maybe they could see beyond the bottom of the 24 ounce can of Icehouse beer.


  2. #2
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    EM84ru, Easley SC
    There's the idea or theory that certain brews (can) make a person angry but let's set that aside for a minute and please, do go on.

  3. #3
    Master Navigator koØm's Avatar
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    I've found that I can only accept just so much negativity and contradiction from family and acquaintances around this season.

    It is interesting how, social gatherings can become cultural wars when the "Social Lubricant" - Alcohol is introduced into the mix.

    Memories, expectations and, disappointments all factor into the Holiday season cocktails giving that celebration that extra "Zing". All it takes is one individual to start the ball rolling and we end up with a bunch of "7 - 10 splits."

    I am on a one-drink-limit; car keys at the ready when I go to these affairs because they typically end up with someone pissed off about something that happened 10-15-20 years ago.
    It's like that verse from the Eagles, 'Hotel California' - "Some drink to remember and, some drink to forget."

    If I could, I would check into a hotel during this season, hibernate and come out after Mardi Gras is over.

  4. #4
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    EM84ru, Easley SC
    "7 - 10 splits"
    Nice analogy. Some people can't get off their piss box long enough to consider what's going on around them. No awareness outside of their own (little) world. It's not hard to do when one listens to the nattering nayboobs of negativity all day 24/7. Their attitude is tuned to the Brown Frequency. This feeds into itself and all things are shit in one's life. Then this excuses one's actions as justified when they engage in the act of harming others physically, mentally or emotionally.
    Instead of, So and So is a piece of shit and deserved having his tires set on fire, it would be much better for yourself (general yourself) to move towards, So and So is a piece of shit and I will stay as far away as possible from them.
    Group A may say that group B has an entitlement mentality while engaging in entitled behavior when they take revenge against group B through some action or legislation that will hurt that group. Group A has successfully made victims of themselves while group B may have been fighting for the same rights that group A has already possessed for a very long time. Group A has been convinced that group B wants to take something away from group A. Things like religion or property and in recent times, their culture and identity. Meanwhile group A has already been taking these things away from group B since the beginning.
    We'll just say that group C, has been pulling the strings the whole time so that groups A and B don't see what's actually happening since now group A is fighting a manufactured struggle and group B has always struggled.

    There's a fine line between distrusting all authority to the point of hurting everyone including yourself VS being able to read between the lines and understanding how to work the system the way group C has.
    All that being said, avoiding the assholes during holiday season need not be stressful. Just laugh at them, in front of them. Take your blood pressure meds, consume your cannabis, eat beets and grapefruit because when you laugh at them they get VERY angry. So angry that they will fall all over themselves attempting to perform the usual mental gymnastics. When they let it all hang out that's when you start blowing holes in everything that comes out of their mouths and you keep on laughing and tear them apart with a smile.
    After you have embarrassed them thoroughly, they may try to come back with some other flavor of bullshit that has been tainting their breath and that's when you stick a STOP sign in their face. Like the sound of the record scratch and the music coming to a halt, put your hand up to their face and remind them that you already own their ass. That it's over and that they are an embarrassment not only to the family but to all of humanity. Make them be the one to leave.

    Merry Christmas, Mel and Happiest of Holidays!

  5. #5
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    Ooh, I like this.

    Like that post was...
    Moving on, my posts are not helpful

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