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Thread: Yes I am still around

  1. #21
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Lakewood, NJ
    I'm keeping this open rather than a PM because of some items best known by all. It's rather long so please bear with me, there are times when I make old buzzard transmissions.

    The first one is explaining stick in the mud curmudgeons besides myself being unanimously voted grumpy old bastid. They were the ones Spock would call "highly illogical" with their mantra "I had to learn the code so you have to learn it too!". OK, if I COULD I would have many years ago. I would hold an Extra Class ticket, a GROL, and be a broadcast engineer for ABC New York with an income making you look like a pauper. Nyaa nyaa razz and all that rot! They neither understood that some like me have difficulties that cannot be overcome, knowing the code became moot years before, and CW being a viable mode some will learn and use it. Like the song goes, life goes on within you and without you. I knew 3 who used it on 2M and flew along at 60+ WPM that sounded like nearly a continuous whistle to me. 2 lived around the corner from my childhood home and when on 6M clobbered TV channel 2, but never when Walter Cronkite was broadcasting news and into prime time, CBS was THE network to watch. The 3rd was in Linden, he showed me his ARRL CW speed awards, the latest and highest one being 60WPM. A friend Down Under VK2TV used it to get his primary ticket and hasn't used it since.

    Jim has been in desperate need of a psychiatrist and meds from before he got his ticket, my layman's diagnosis is paranoid schizophrenia. He was/is obsessed with the thought the Union County Prosecutor long retired and now dead was/is out to get him, and his neighbor in Kansas City (?) was his minion spying on him. When he lived in Roselle Park he went from taking me to hamfesters to empty promises and pickups not made, and he had the unmitigated gall to call me on his way home and tell me what a great time he had. He'd call frequently from KC with some cock & bull story about his spy neighbor, I'd give him the yeah uh huh treatment. I finally got fed up, read him the Riot Act concluding with a passage from the Bible he the "good Catholic" knew by heart and something I added to it, "Satan is a liar and the father of all liars, so when you get to Hell say hello to your daddy.". <click> That thankfully was the last time I heard from him. He cancelled W2RXR effective 05/22/2009, I suspect he obtained a new license under his new name. I know neither and don't want to know, he's dead and buried. I have no intention of resurrecting a cuckoo crazy habitual liar.

    I know very well how you like those phonetics, but the other screaming one you hate shall never again be used since you got past that stage and settled down. Now why would I reveal your pet name when it's personal just between us?

    Now why did you have to remind me of Metroscheiße? Up there in Bennyland there is only ONE pork roll, Taylor Ham. Here at and near "down the shore" it's just plain old pork roll. We recognize bennys by their peculiar way of speaking, and the Brooklyn guidos by their gold guinea horns. Since this is open I must explain no insult to Italian Americans intended, any insults are only intended for the NY greaseballs that invaded The Playpen Lounge and sent their guidettes to start conversations with us, the Jersey Boys. That BTW is the title of a GREAT movie about The 4 Seasons. That gave the guidos an excuse to play knight in shining armor "defending the ladies' honor". At the first ducked punch we'd mop the floor with them, then the bouncers showed up and tossed them out in the parking lot. For more information search out "benny go home". Shore people have this love-hate relationship with them, we hate them for treating us with such disrespect and leaving the DSC to clean up after them when they should behave like GUESTS in OUR HOUSE, but we love their money that defrays taxes. Go to You Tube and watch Snookie get just what she was asking for all along. As for Budweiser Bob, he was another obnoxious benny type, a guest in our radio rooms disrespecting us being drunk as a skunk, twice as stinking, and acting like a fool. I left a long trail of radio clubs behind me and all for the same reason, the repeater elite and the inner circle never more apparent than the ETS of NJ 3-4 10-4 sewer pipe 2M repeater and their "secret" 220 machine that Jim and I used heavily just to piss them off. The last straw was the president chewing me out during a meeting for what was misheard as a "bad word", I fixed his wagon loudly and stormed out never to return to the club or their repeaters. It should have been a discussion off to the side quietly! My last club was OBARC, the Old Barney ARC named for the lighthouse. I had a ball on Lighthouse Day demonstrating 40M operation to the tourists and putting kids on the air. That was the best club with a great bunch of guys for one reason, NO REPEATER. Oh BTW, what is Taylor ham's given name and what is his callsign?

    I'll keep an eye out in the food and beverage forum in case Luke moves it.
    Salmon sushi? I thought it is raw tuna. I still can't find any ceramic sushi, but Maneki Neko still beckons. They sit in windows and next to cash registers with the left paw beckoning customers to come in and spend money, mine beckons with the right paw beckoning money directly. That's what the fancy collar and gold coin in his paw are all about. A few months ago he got me $1,200 that bought a very expensive computer hardware upgrade, an equally expensive Seagate 12TB HDD for monthly full backup, and 3 hoods to keep my head warm at night, (not all at once) and last week another $600 I'm making plans for.

    "I can get you some plastic sushi from the internet or I can swipe it off the display at my sushi bar (when the chef isn't holding the cutting knife and looking at) me to spread out next to your ceramic cat so he doesn't go hungry."
    Ceramic sushi for a ceramic cat, plastic will make him think of all the marine life the Pacific Plastic Patch has killed and he'll turn his back and sulk. From our planet's point of view there is no throwing garbage out because there is no "out".
    "The chef never did trust me from the time he caught me sticking the chopsticks up in my mouth and doing walrus impersonations, he told me I was f**ked in the head."
    No comment.
    "What was I to do?"
    I'm not sure, saying "I am the walrus, koo koo kajoob." with chopsticks in your mouth is difficult at best.

    "I haven't had pizza from Linden since my '80's hangout days on Alexander Ave and that was from Tucky's pizza."
    I didn't hang out in Linden, but I visited many friends there frequently. I remember Sucky's at 3 So. Wood Ave. second building from Rte. 1&9 on the left looking south. When visiting a friend upstairs he ordered a pie, the absolute worst POS EVER! Why order that shit across town when there's GOOD pie right around the corner at Little Italy Pizzeria? That's a few blocks down "St. George" from the Park Avenue Diner across from "Warren Echo" park on the corner of Park Avenue (naturally) where we had the best impromptu CB "coffee breaks" the management loved. We were well behaved and brought in money. (;->)
    "My pizza now is from either Calabria on Centennial Ave in Cranford"
    I use 14pt Calabria font in Outlook E-mail. IIRC the Godfather in the movies was Calibrese. My friend Mike Brescia now living in Virginia bears the name of the province in northern Italy his family came from. So many family names were lost forever when they came here and took the name of where they came from.
    "or Domino's pizza also in Cranford."
    I know the place well, a cow orker's wife worked there and often brought home leftovers. Just pop it in the microwave for a few seconds and it comes out piping hot. I can't say I'm particularly fond of Sicilian, or as they call it "deep dish" pie, but it's edible.

    Having grown up and lived in the area for so many years I know it like the back of my hand, but I can't tell you where most of the streets are. The absolute worst is Oliver Street, WHICH of 4 Oliver Streets are you looking for? It's a paper street across the entire city with a physical 1 block stretch in 4 disparate places. Then there is Church Street and New Church Street, wonder of wonders, both actually have churches on them. Yeah, everything east of the railroad is the wrong side of the tracks so to speak, some East streets are worse than others. Then Mayor Tom Kennedy, my ex paperboy, started a campaign of urban renewal much needed, but developers ended up going overboard with it, your complex is a prime example of urban overkill. It gets worse, MUCH worse, the CBD got gentrified to the max, Irving and Main became 2 way and the shops now look like an outdoor mall. The parking garage across from the new NJT station grew several stories upward became a high rise luxury apartment building, you couldn't afford the rent working 10 jobs. Investors live there, nary a worker to be found unless they're Wall Streeters hopping trains to New York Penn Track 4 and going across to the subway downtown. FYI Nikola Tesla had a shop across from the Y on Irving Street and there is a bronze bust and plaque in front of the railway station if you're interested in one of the greatest minds that ever lived. If not for him there would be an Edison generator every few blocks supplying 100VDC down to about 60 with dim bulbs at the end. Tesla was his Chief Engineer, Tommy's worst mistake was firing him over a dispute, he should have listened to Tesla.

    "the people that reside downtown and even some in the building really scare me."
    Unfortunately you didn't for one reason or another scout out the area before making your move and now realize the mistake. As you can see what looks good on the outside doesn't always look good on the inside, or in other words you never really know the neighborhood until you live there. There are much better neighborhoods in Raunchway and Lynn's Den, but no rental property in them. The West Creek/Parkertown area where I lived is the best place ever if you don't mind the skeeters, but no rental property there, maybe in nearby Stafford and Tuckerton. The only problem besides the deafening bug chorus in summer (;->) is no work, you'd have to commute to Cancer Alley where the water tastes horrible, the air is grey and smells like burning plastic. Down this way the lowest crime area in the state when you stand on the beach and look to the right (south) you see clear blue sky. Look to the left (north) and you see a thick pall of grey smoke from well inland to across Long Island and out to sea and the horizon. That's Cancer Alley in NJ from just north of Newark to South Amboy, the heart of heavy industry and you're right in the thick of it. <cough> <gag> <choke> <rattle> <gasp>

    Oh boy, could it get any longer???

    Great Pacific Garbage Patch.jpg
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

  2. #22
    Fertility Shaman KB2SFH's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Rahway, NJ
    Quote Originally Posted by kb2vxa View Post
    I'm keeping this open rather than a PM because of some items best known by all. It's rather long so please bear with me, there are times when I make old buzzard transmissions.

    The first one is explaining stick in the mud curmudgeons besides myself being unanimously voted grumpy old bastid. They were the ones Spock would call "highly illogical" with their mantra "I had to learn the code so you have to learn it too!". OK, if I COULD I would have many years ago. I would hold an Extra Class ticket, a GROL, and be a broadcast engineer for ABC New York with an income making you look like a pauper. Nyaa nyaa razz and all that rot! They neither understood that some like me have difficulties that cannot be overcome, knowing the code became moot years before, and CW being a viable mode some will learn and use it. Like the song goes, life goes on within you and without you. I knew 3 who used it on 2M and flew along at 60+ WPM that sounded like nearly a continuous whistle to me. 2 lived around the corner from my childhood home and when on 6M clobbered TV channel 2, but never when Walter Cronkite was broadcasting news and into prime time, CBS was THE network to watch. The 3rd was in Linden, he showed me his ARRL CW speed awards, the latest and highest one being 60WPM. A friend Down Under VK2TV used it to get his primary ticket and hasn't used it since.

    Jim has been in desperate need of a psychiatrist and meds from before he got his ticket, my layman's diagnosis is paranoid schizophrenia. He was/is obsessed with the thought the Union County Prosecutor long retired and now dead was/is out to get him, and his neighbor in Kansas City (?) was his minion spying on him. When he lived in Roselle Park he went from taking me to hamfesters to empty promises and pickups not made, and he had the unmitigated gall to call me on his way home and tell me what a great time he had. He'd call frequently from KC with some cock & bull story about his spy neighbor, I'd give him the yeah uh huh treatment. I finally got fed up, read him the Riot Act concluding with a passage from the Bible he the "good Catholic" knew by heart and something I added to it, "Satan is a liar and the father of all liars, so when you get to Hell say hello to your daddy.". <click> That thankfully was the last time I heard from him. He cancelled W2RXR effective 05/22/2009, I suspect he obtained a new license under his new name. I know neither and don't want to know, he's dead and buried. I have no intention of resurrecting a cuckoo crazy habitual liar.

    I know very well how you like those phonetics, but the other screaming one you hate shall never again be used since you got past that stage and settled down. Now why would I reveal your pet name when it's personal just between us?

    Now why did you have to remind me of Metroscheiße? Up there in Bennyland there is only ONE pork roll, Taylor Ham. Here at and near "down the shore" it's just plain old pork roll. We recognize bennys by their peculiar way of speaking, and the Brooklyn guidos by their gold guinea horns. Since this is open I must explain no insult to Italian Americans intended, any insults are only intended for the NY greaseballs that invaded The Playpen Lounge and sent their guidettes to start conversations with us, the Jersey Boys. That BTW is the title of a GREAT movie about The 4 Seasons. That gave the guidos an excuse to play knight in shining armor "defending the ladies' honor". At the first ducked punch we'd mop the floor with them, then the bouncers showed up and tossed them out in the parking lot. For more information search out "benny go home". Shore people have this love-hate relationship with them, we hate them for treating us with such disrespect and leaving the DSC to clean up after them when they should behave like GUESTS in OUR HOUSE, but we love their money that defrays taxes. Go to You Tube and watch Snookie get just what she was asking for all along. As for Budweiser Bob, he was another obnoxious benny type, a guest in our radio rooms disrespecting us being drunk as a skunk, twice as stinking, and acting like a fool. I left a long trail of radio clubs behind me and all for the same reason, the repeater elite and the inner circle never more apparent than the ETS of NJ 3-4 10-4 sewer pipe 2M repeater and their "secret" 220 machine that Jim and I used heavily just to piss them off. The last straw was the president chewing me out during a meeting for what was misheard as a "bad word", I fixed his wagon loudly and stormed out never to return to the club or their repeaters. It should have been a discussion off to the side quietly! My last club was OBARC, the Old Barney ARC named for the lighthouse. I had a ball on Lighthouse Day demonstrating 40M operation to the tourists and putting kids on the air. That was the best club with a great bunch of guys for one reason, NO REPEATER. Oh BTW, what is Taylor ham's given name and what is his callsign?

    I'll keep an eye out in the food and beverage forum in case Luke moves it.
    Salmon sushi? I thought it is raw tuna. I still can't find any ceramic sushi, but Maneki Neko still beckons. They sit in windows and next to cash registers with the left paw beckoning customers to come in and spend money, mine beckons with the right paw beckoning money directly. That's what the fancy collar and gold coin in his paw are all about. A few months ago he got me $1,200 that bought a very expensive computer hardware upgrade, an equally expensive Seagate 12TB HDD for monthly full backup, and 3 hoods to keep my head warm at night, (not all at once) and last week another $600 I'm making plans for.

    "I can get you some plastic sushi from the internet or I can swipe it off the display at my sushi bar (when the chef isn't holding the cutting knife and looking at) me to spread out next to your ceramic cat so he doesn't go hungry."
    Ceramic sushi for a ceramic cat, plastic will make him think of all the marine life the Pacific Plastic Patch has killed and he'll turn his back and sulk. From our planet's point of view there is no throwing garbage out because there is no "out".
    "The chef never did trust me from the time he caught me sticking the chopsticks up in my mouth and doing walrus impersonations, he told me I was f**ked in the head."
    No comment.
    "What was I to do?"
    I'm not sure, saying "I am the walrus, koo koo kajoob." with chopsticks in your mouth is difficult at best.

    "I haven't had pizza from Linden since my '80's hangout days on Alexander Ave and that was from Tucky's pizza."
    I didn't hang out in Linden, but I visited many friends there frequently. I remember Sucky's at 3 So. Wood Ave. second building from Rte. 1&9 on the left looking south. When visiting a friend upstairs he ordered a pie, the absolute worst POS EVER! Why order that shit across town when there's GOOD pie right around the corner at Little Italy Pizzeria? That's a few blocks down "St. George" from the Park Avenue Diner across from "Warren Echo" park on the corner of Park Avenue (naturally) where we had the best impromptu CB "coffee breaks" the management loved. We were well behaved and brought in money. (;->)
    "My pizza now is from either Calabria on Centennial Ave in Cranford"
    I use 14pt Calabria font in Outlook E-mail. IIRC the Godfather in the movies was Calibrese. My friend Mike Brescia now living in Virginia bears the name of the province in northern Italy his family came from. So many family names were lost forever when they came here and took the name of where they came from.
    "or Domino's pizza also in Cranford."
    I know the place well, a cow orker's wife worked there and often brought home leftovers. Just pop it in the microwave for a few seconds and it comes out piping hot. I can't say I'm particularly fond of Sicilian, or as they call it "deep dish" pie, but it's edible.

    Having grown up and lived in the area for so many years I know it like the back of my hand, but I can't tell you where most of the streets are. The absolute worst is Oliver Street, WHICH of 4 Oliver Streets are you looking for? It's a paper street across the entire city with a physical 1 block stretch in 4 disparate places. Then there is Church Street and New Church Street, wonder of wonders, both actually have churches on them. Yeah, everything east of the railroad is the wrong side of the tracks so to speak, some East streets are worse than others. Then Mayor Tom Kennedy, my ex paperboy, started a campaign of urban renewal much needed, but developers ended up going overboard with it, your complex is a prime example of urban overkill. It gets worse, MUCH worse, the CBD got gentrified to the max, Irving and Main became 2 way and the shops now look like an outdoor mall. The parking garage across from the new NJT station grew several stories upward became a high rise luxury apartment building, you couldn't afford the rent working 10 jobs. Investors live there, nary a worker to be found unless they're Wall Streeters hopping trains to New York Penn Track 4 and going across to the subway downtown. FYI Nikola Tesla had a shop across from the Y on Irving Street and there is a bronze bust and plaque in front of the railway station if you're interested in one of the greatest minds that ever lived. If not for him there would be an Edison generator every few blocks supplying 100VDC down to about 60 with dim bulbs at the end. Tesla was his Chief Engineer, Tommy's worst mistake was firing him over a dispute, he should have listened to Tesla.

    "the people that reside downtown and even some in the building really scare me."
    Unfortunately you didn't for one reason or another scout out the area before making your move and now realize the mistake. As you can see what looks good on the outside doesn't always look good on the inside, or in other words you never really know the neighborhood until you live there. There are much better neighborhoods in Raunchway and Lynn's Den, but no rental property in them. The West Creek/Parkertown area where I lived is the best place ever if you don't mind the skeeters, but no rental property there, maybe in nearby Stafford and Tuckerton. The only problem besides the deafening bug chorus in summer (;->) is no work, you'd have to commute to Cancer Alley where the water tastes horrible, the air is grey and smells like burning plastic. Down this way the lowest crime area in the state when you stand on the beach and look to the right (south) you see clear blue sky. Look to the left (north) and you see a thick pall of grey smoke from well inland to across Long Island and out to sea and the horizon. That's Cancer Alley in NJ from just north of Newark to South Amboy, the heart of heavy industry and you're right in the thick of it. <cough> <gag> <choke> <rattle> <gasp>

    Oh boy, could it get any longer???

    Great Pacific Garbage Patch.jpg

    I remember Mike Brescia from Westfield, he only dated hot bimbos. I drove past his house on Broad street on the corner on my way somewhere one day and he was out in the driveway with one of them just back from a big shopping trip, he was walking way ahead of her going up to the house carrying nothing and she was about 20 paces behind him weighed down with everything and struggling to walk up the driveway in her super tight short shorts and nosebleed high heels. He reminded me of those middle eastern men who treat women like second class citizens. As far as rahway, I didn't have too much choice, the sibling dumped me here since she has my money that she manipulated in the will for the security deposit and monthly rent and they needed me out of the house to put it up for sale. I have been trying to find other places since moving here but it isn't panning out for me.
    First licensed October 31, 1994 as No Code Technician
    Upgraded to General in April, 2006 WITH CODE
    Upgraded to EXTRA written on May 12, 2007

    ARRL Life Member

    73 DE KB2SFH

  3. #23
    Fertility Shaman KB2SFH's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Rahway, NJ
    p.s. On LBI we call them shoobies, not bennies. Biscuithead was a total shoobie. We were on the beach one weekend and he wore street clothes, sweat socks and sneakers on the beach and proceeded to fall asleep in his chair burrowed under a big beach towel. I tied his sneakers together and my niece who was a little girl then was watching me and I made the shhh motion to her and she quietly giggled, she knew what I was doing. Well he finally woke up later and I wanted to go for a walk on the beach so he got up and took a step and he went down face first like a ton of bricks into the sand, man that was so worth it!!!!
    First licensed October 31, 1994 as No Code Technician
    Upgraded to General in April, 2006 WITH CODE
    Upgraded to EXTRA written on May 12, 2007

    ARRL Life Member

    73 DE KB2SFH

  4. #24
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Lakewood, NJ
    This reply is a week late, it took this long to find where I left that old buzzard transmission.

    Good grief, I thought my OB transmission would time out the repeater, but the SFH machine has a broken time out timer. Yep, you have Mike pegged, he hasn't improved any. In fact age has been most unkind to him, he looks like The Abominable Dr. Phibes. That bimbo you saw was Ronnie Reeder, (spelling ?) who looked like Twiggy, another fashion model 10 years her senior. I brought my GF at the time when I went to see him, she took an intense dislike to him and later she told me he tried to hit on her.

    Eh, biscuit head was a benny, shoobies come to "the Pennsylvania seashore" south of Forked River from generally Philadelphia to Reading. Back when you could go everywhere by train they brought their lunch in a shoe box hence the name shoe bies. I sure wish I was there to have seen him do a face plant in the sand! ROTFLOL!!! Speaking of Forked River, once upon a time I saw a news anchorwoman doing a story on Oyster Creek Nuclear call it "Forkd River" in a typical NY accent when we Jerseyans call it Fork-ed River. LOL

    Bernadette2.jpg Phibes.jpg
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

  5. #25
    Master Navigator koØm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Birthday blessings!

  6. #26

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