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Thread: The Time Has Come

  1. #1
    Orca Whisperer W3WN's Avatar
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    Castle Shannon, PA

    The Time Has Come

    I've mentioned our puppy, and 2020 Presidential Candidate for the K9 party, Lucy Furr from time to time.

    She's now 14, and for the last year, she's slowly been showing more and more of her age. Hearing and eyesight starting to go, loss of urinary control (especially in her sleep), and so on.

    Last few months, her rear legs have become weaker as time went on. Then yesterday, she was unable to get up on her own and walk at all. Had little appetite. Those of you who've had older dogs know the score.

    Yesterday, she looked frustrated at things. This morning? More resigned. We figure she has to be suffering, even if she isn't whining.

    She's making her last visit to the vet tomorrow afternoon.

    Little Miss Field Day is in tears, and the Boss and I are also upset, but we all knew this was coming. We just didn't expect her to go downhill so fast these last few days.

    Sorry for the downer post. Just had to tell someone.
    0408BCEC-F4E7-42DC-A09C-7C49CAA87858.jpgIMG_0418.jpg20200420_110936.jpgListening to the Game.jpg
    “Nobody is going to feel sorry for us. 90% of the people don’t care, the other 10% are glad it happened.” — Clint Hurdle, 2019


    Fudd's First Law of Opposition: If you push something hard enough, it WILL fall down.
    Teslacle's Deviant to Fudd's Law: It goes in, it must go out.

    Just remember: Abraham Lincoln didn't die in vain. He died in Washington, DC

    Cutch 300!!!!!

    “Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Trump golfed.” — Bernie Sanders

    Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

  2. #2
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    I/we have been here a couple times this year with our furries. It's a sad time in life. Condolences to you and yours Ron. Sounds like someone is getting steak for dinner tonight.

    Oh, fyi - Best. Presidential. Candidate. Ever.
    Last edited by WZ7U; 12-30-2020 at 03:17 PM.

    Like that post was...
    Moving on, my posts are not helpful

  3. #3
    Orca Whisperer PA5COR's Avatar
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    The Netherlands
    All who have pets have been there a few times, it also does not get easier every time.
    I will spend a lot of money if one of my cats gets ill, and needs help.
    If the end is near i am not going to prolong suffering howmuch i love my critters but do what is best for them.
    Last time i was walking out of the veterinary practice with tears running down my cheeks and i didn't care who saw it.
    After 34 years living here they are all burried near the house at the place they had a full nice life and loved.
    Most were picked up from the street orr decided to come live hee like the last addition.
    Neurered, had all shots, had the chip and is a happy cat.
    so do what is needed, we all feel with you.
    Lucy Furr had a full and wonderfull life with your family.
    "If the Republicans will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop
    telling the truth about them." - Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965)
    “I’m not liberal/conservative, I’m anti-idiotarian.”
    At some point in the last 20 years, the left moved to the center, and the right moved into a mental institution

  4. #4
    Administrator ad4mg's Avatar
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    February 17, 2004. That's when our beloved 14 year old German Shepherd left us. Princess was a huge part of our lives, and appeared here as my avatar for some time. It is good that you feel her time is nearing an end. It's so hard to let go, but too easy to not let go and allow her to suffer.

    I held Princess' head in my hands as she passed. Our vet had given her morphine to relax her just before we last saw her. Somehow, she knew what was going on. She gazed into my eyes until she drew her last breath.

    They leave us all too soon. I hope Lucy's passing brings you and the family peace, Ron.
    QAnon / GOP Republicans mentally lack the necessary intelligence to even tell a decent lie (Ex: A cabal of Satanic, cannibalistic pedophiles run a global child sex trafficking ring and conspired against former President Dotard dRUMPf during his term in office... Jewish space lasers, etc.). What in the hell makes anyone believe these melon heads can actually govern?

  5. #5

  6. #6
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    I'm sorry for your loss, Ron.

    This is what I wrote about her (Abbey) the next day on FB.

    I carried her around the yard because she wanted to go out. We visited all the trees that she loved to sleep in and I leaned in and let her smell the blooming wisteria. After a little while I brought her in and groomed her a bit and then gave her her own bowl of tuna. She finished every last bit.

    That was probably around 3:30/4pm when she ate. She went to sleep and I went back to what I was doing. I think she passed between 6 and 7:30pm. I went to check on her about 8:30 and she wasn't breathing. I knew that was all she had left.

    She had been getting frail and showing her age over the last year. She loved sleeping in her trees but was having a harder and harder time getting up and down so she stuck to the ones with thick vines growing in them.
    Last November I brought her inside and she seemed fine, just old. She did the same thing she did outdoors for the last few years which was mainly sleeping. Last couple of days she's been wanting to go outside because you know she could tell that Spring was in the air, but when I let her you could tell her bones weren't holding up so I just carried her and walked around with her and was planning on making that a daily thing.

    When she was about 6 months old she decided that I was her person. She bonded to me and stuck near me most times. She enjoyed the outdoors and up until the last 3 years she wouldn't come inside until it got down to 15ºF. She would sleep directly on the ground or on a tree limb and preferred ground or floor to pillows or bedding. She was afraid of nothing but was not an instigator. I was her lifelong friend and she would let me know that often.

    Now I have a ginger boy named Sammy that sticks to me like glue. Raised him from a month old. Him and the other 5 from his litter. His brother Buddha is with us but his sister Ashlee was stuck by a vehicle at 18 months. She was a stubborn girl. Found homes for the other 3 and I still get to wish one of them happy birthday every April 1st. They'll all be 3 next year.

    Here's the kicker: In February of 2018, I told the Universe, enough cats or no more cats. May 3rd 2018, I became the mother to 6 new kittens a month and 3 days old. Cat Momma left, said she had enough. Found them underneath the floor insulation. Clean and healthy. Not a speck on any of them. Pretty much cleared up all my plans for the next 6 weeks but they adapted quickly and figured out the litter box on day one!

    I know you'll be sad but also be happy for your old friend because you all gave her a lifetime of love and she to you and that was the only thing she ever asked for.

    I'll stop before I get too sappy.

  7. #7
    Orca Whisperer PA5COR's Avatar
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    The Netherlands
    It's getting very dusty in here...
    "If the Republicans will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop
    telling the truth about them." - Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965)
    “I’m not liberal/conservative, I’m anti-idiotarian.”
    At some point in the last 20 years, the left moved to the center, and the right moved into a mental institution

  8. #8
    Orca Whisperer W3WN's Avatar
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    Castle Shannon, PA
    Just for the record, Lucy left us at 3 PM today.

    Little Miss Field Day took it pretty hard. I’m not far behind her.
    “Nobody is going to feel sorry for us. 90% of the people don’t care, the other 10% are glad it happened.” — Clint Hurdle, 2019


    Fudd's First Law of Opposition: If you push something hard enough, it WILL fall down.
    Teslacle's Deviant to Fudd's Law: It goes in, it must go out.

    Just remember: Abraham Lincoln didn't die in vain. He died in Washington, DC

    Cutch 300!!!!!

    “Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Trump golfed.” — Bernie Sanders

    Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

  9. #9
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    RIP Lucy Furr. You're a good dog. Condolences to you all.

    Like that post was...
    Moving on, my posts are not helpful

  10. #10
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Out in the sticks
    Been there, done that with pets more times than I care to count. Never gets easier either.

    Sorry for your loss, Ron. It's better to ease suffering if you can than let them linger in pain (and that's a mighty tall soap box on which I could climb.)
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

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