I've mentioned our puppy, and 2020 Presidential Candidate for the K9 party, Lucy Furr from time to time.

She's now 14, and for the last year, she's slowly been showing more and more of her age. Hearing and eyesight starting to go, loss of urinary control (especially in her sleep), and so on.

Last few months, her rear legs have become weaker as time went on. Then yesterday, she was unable to get up on her own and walk at all. Had little appetite. Those of you who've had older dogs know the score.

Yesterday, she looked frustrated at things. This morning? More resigned. We figure she has to be suffering, even if she isn't whining.

She's making her last visit to the vet tomorrow afternoon.

Little Miss Field Day is in tears, and the Boss and I are also upset, but we all knew this was coming. We just didn't expect her to go downhill so fast these last few days.

Sorry for the downer post. Just had to tell someone.
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