These are tough times, and I find myself struggling a little financially the past few months. This week has been particularly brutal, as county taxes (real estate & property taxes) were all due. I am still paying off medical bills from the first of the year. We had two incidents in January, and unfortunately, the deductibles for 2020 had to be addressed.

The server bill itself isn't a huge burden, but it's difficult to divert money to that when I could really use it elsewhere. Since Jeff passed, I am personally in the red for about $2500 paying the server and domain bills. Donations have helped, but have fallen off to pretty much nothing in the past 18 months.

Understanding that many others are in worse shape than myself, I hesitate to ask, but if anyone can kick in a small donation to help me keep the Island going, it would be deeply appreciated!

Donation buttons and links are at the top and bottom of the main page, and the donation button appears at the bottom of most other pages.

For those who prefer to not use PayPal, I will accept your personal check. My bank is about 1/4 mile up the street, so a check wouldn't be any trouble at all. My callbook address is good.

Thanks so much for reading all of this, and thanks for being loyal Islanders and supporting the site, with or without a donation!

Best 73,