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Thread: Merry Christmas/happy birthday to me (Yaesu related)

  1. #1
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Feb 2007
    Out in the sticks

    Merry Christmas/happy birthday to me (Yaesu related)

    I typically don't buy myself a lot of stuff at Christmas unless a rare piece of gear I've been after happens to surface somewhere.

    Last year it was an FL-7000 amplifier to integrate with my FT-980. Wasn't going to get anything this year but a one-owner FL-2100Z (the EU model w/ no WARC) came up on Fleabay. I got it pretty cheap, all things considered.

    Been searching for one of these for many years. The only other items I need for that lineup is a WARC-equipped 2100Z and an FC-901 tuner; I have an FC-902 (w/ WARC) at the moment.

    I realize a lot of "shack in the box" radios work as well or better than the 90x series, but that stuff is fun to operate - and for what it is, pretty flexible. I'll probably test the amplifier out then tuck all that stuff away pending a move to a new QTH where I can build enough operating bench to set up both a vintage and a modern section (with a separate area devoted to scanners, VHF/UHF amateur and CB gear).
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  2. #2

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