Some of us may belong to a various Yahoo Group or two. I belong to roughly 20 and am the owner of one (Cubic Astro).

This past week, notification was sent out that the various Groups will be frozen from accepting new content on Oct. 21 of this year and will be permanently deleted on Dec. 14 of same.

I immediately migrated everything to The question lingers: "What will remain of the others?"

About half a dozen of the ones I belong to on Yahoo are run by Carol, W4CLM - and attempts to reach her regarding an issue with the Fox Tango Forum have gone unnoticed. Between now and shutdown, I plan to grab as much as the uploaded Files area content from the Fox-Tango Groups (among others) as I can.

If you're a member of one of the more obscure, less active groups I'd suggest you do same - as their owners may not wish to continue them elsewhere.

As for Yahoo itself: I'll keep an email parked over there but now have zero reason to visit the site. Time will tell if (and how) this move affects their bottom line.