I've heard noises, witnessed things falling over. I've seen weird phenomena that I could not quickly explain. I should be a ghost buster. They are very shy around me. I've met strangers, and had weird mental pictures that turned out to be very accurate about a person's background. I think it was a hunch with pictures. Reverse engineering was my special skill.
I have a very rudimentary understanding of the 4 basic fundamentals of the natural universe. For now, they are Electromagnetism, Gravity, Strong Nuclear Force, Weak Nuclear Force. Those are it, as far as I understand. I am damn good at strength of materials, but those aforementioned natural laws influence more than just stress/strain.information can be stored, and experienced later. The latest astrophysics chat channels are ablaze with traffic about information remaining intact in a black hole. The laws of conservation of mass, and energy tell me that nothing can really be destroyed.
Consciousness is the big problem. Maybe it is in reality what many refer to as God? I think of consciousness is being aware.