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Thread: I Give Up!

  1. #21
    Conch Master suddenseer's Avatar
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    I've heard noises, witnessed things falling over. I've seen weird phenomena that I could not quickly explain. I should be a ghost buster. They are very shy around me. I've met strangers, and had weird mental pictures that turned out to be very accurate about a person's background. I think it was a hunch with pictures. Reverse engineering was my special skill.
    I have a very rudimentary understanding of the 4 basic fundamentals of the natural universe. For now, they are Electromagnetism, Gravity, Strong Nuclear Force, Weak Nuclear Force. Those are it, as far as I understand. I am damn good at strength of materials, but those aforementioned natural laws influence more than just stress/strain.information can be stored, and experienced later. The latest astrophysics chat channels are ablaze with traffic about information remaining intact in a black hole. The laws of conservation of mass, and energy tell me that nothing can really be destroyed.
    Consciousness is the big problem. Maybe it is in reality what many refer to as God? I think of consciousness is being aware.

    cul de n8tb
    "Sadly, it always takes a few martyrs to get the ball rolling." Colonel Tim Boldman 2001
    "There are no differences but differences of degree between different degrees of difference and no difference."--William James
    "Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings." Victor J. Stenger

  2. #22
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    And you know what? Not every ghost requires you to treat them like an asshole and beat them with a ball bat. That's rather arrogant. It will cause you grief.
    BTW, the stereo and all the speakers have been up and running for 3 years without incident. The brother in law came back once. He did nothing. I acknowledged his presence. He checked on the equipment without incident and left. If I wanted to, at any time, I can clear an area instantly. I don't have to do that. That's like dropping a nuclear bomb on the whole county. I usually use methods that are in harmony within a given situation. The spirits are like mirrors and reflect back the energy you put into them. You create your own shit when all you see it shit and all you give is shit. Is this shit getting through? If the only tool you have is a hammer ... well, we all know the rest. Do not make assumptions about me, or anyone else for that matter. The Ancestors were here long before we were born into our current mortal coils. Whether they be ancestors by blood or Ancestors of a Greater Cause, treat them with respect. Treat each other (fellow mortals) with respect.

    We are surrounded by what we attract.

    If y'all remember my cat Amber, she showed up in 2010. A part of my friend's spirit is within her. When she showed up, her face looked just like his. She walked right in, ate and then went to the bedroom, jumped up on the bed and went to sleep as if she had been there her whole life.
    Matt died in 2007 due to a motorcycle accident involving a drunk driver. In 1995 he once said, without prompting, just kind of out of the blue, "I want to come back as a cat and live with you."
    I never thought about those words again ... until Amber showed up. Amber is very expressive and talks to me as if I know what she's saying. Basically I just get a mental picture but at this point I've come to understand the finer points of her language.

  3. #23
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    You give up? Is that what's troubling you bunky? Well lift your head up high and take a walk in the sun with dignity and stick-to-it-ness and ya show the world, ya show the world where to get off. You'll never give up, never give up, never give up...that ship!

    Look out, The Old Philosopher, Eddie Lawrence is back, no, he never went away actually as long as he is remembered.

    "I have a very rudimentary understanding of the 4 basic fundamentals of the natural universe. For now, they are Electromagnetism, Gravity, Strong Nuclear Force, Weak Nuclear Force."
    Actually they are the four forces or fields.
    Use the Force, Luke, use the Force.
    Ohhh, I should have said use the Unified Field Theory.
    WHAT??? I can't use a theory, hurry up, I'm getting close to the vent with Darth Vader hot after me!
    Use the Weak Force, it's actually the strongest of all holding all matter and the very fabric of the universe together.
    Luke pushes the tactical visor aside, fires two torpedoes, the Death Star explodes, and Darth Vader's Tie Fighter tumbles out of control into deep space.

    "those aforementioned natural laws influence more than just stress/strain"
    I'm not a physicist, I only have a basic understanding I got out of books, thankfully not the Internet that is the misinformation highway. What I learned is a bit different, those are not natural laws but forces that obey the natural laws. The Unified Force is so far only a theory, but I'll bet dollars to doughnuts those magnificent young aliens in their flying machines (loosely based on a song) have it all figured out. They fold space short circuiting time in order to cover the vast distances that only exist in our 3 dimensional universe, their universe is 4 dimensional. It gets strange in the 4th dimension, one day you should read Issac Asimov's The Tesseract House. Picture a non Euclidean geometric shape, a cube within a cube, a hypercube. Never mind, just do the math... if you can.

    "The latest astrophysics chat channels are ablaze with traffic about information remaining intact in a black hole."
    Uh oh, if they were astrophysicists they would be chatting in mathematical terms expressed by Greek letters way over your head. It has been said you cannot understand these things unless you speak the language, and the language is math on the Einstein and Hawking level. BTW you can include Asimov as he was a physicist, that's why he wrote such great sci-fi without a word of technobabble.

    "The laws of conservation of mass, and energy tell me that nothing can really be destroyed."
    Now that's where things get interesting, as interesting as Kronos, a sci-fi movie about an energy collector sent by a planet running out of energy. Every time it absorbed energy it grew larger converting it to matter. The mission was when it got home to convert its mass to energy, but the whole while I was wondering how much energy would be expended accelerating such a massive object on the return journey. Here's where we get to the essential part of Einstein's theory of relativity that expresses the relativity of matter to energy as E=MC2. Every time you burn something a tiny bit of mass becomes energy, even in a nuclear reaction only a tiny bit of mass becomes energy. It would be nice if we could make it more efficient. Funny thing, plants know the other side of the equation, they convert energy (photons) to mass in a sideways manner, actually the energy of light converts nitrogen to sugar the plant uses for food thus increasing its mass. Yeah, I'm off the rails, I never think in linear fashion.

    "Consciousness is the big problem."
    True, most would be better off unconscious.
    "Maybe it is in reality what many refer to as God?"
    We can save that for the religion forum.
    "I think of consciousness is being aware."
    The creations of Man, computers, robots, and artificial intelligence especially is aware, but so far at least they are not conscious entities. It is self awareness that makes for a conscious entity, when Skynet becomes self aware it is Judgement Day, the war of man against machine begins.

    Now this long post moves into the world of the paranormal.
    "And you know what? Not every ghost requires you to treat them like an asshole and beat them with a ball bat."
    First of all, have you ever tried to beat a vapor with anything? Speaking firmly with authority gets their attention and respect, that's why the unwanted spirit left without a fuss. Never treat an entity that's been around far longer than Man with anything but the respect, one much smarter and FAR more experienced than you should never be taken lightly.

    "BTW, the stereo and all the speakers have been up and running for 3 years without incident."
    OK, that says the spirit once within them, the ghost in the machine so to speak is not malevolent. No sense wasting a perfectly good system that doesn't play tricks on you like blasting you out of bed at 3 in the morning.

    "I can clear an area instantly."
    So can I by blowing a Gargantua, an SBD takes a bit longer but is just as effective.
    "That's like dropping a nuclear bomb on the whole county."
    What do you eat for crying out loud?!?!?!!!

    "Do not make assumptions about me, or anyone else for that matter."
    You know what they say about "assume", you make an ass of u in front of me.
    "The Ancestors were here long before we were born into our current mortal coils."
    You call them Ancestors, IIRC the Navajo also call them that. The Bible calls them The Watchers and The Sons of God (we are the sons of Man aka Adam, the Bible was written in a very misogynistic time) that went into the daughters of Man that gave birth to a race of giants. Those were the days of Noah, God caused The Great Flood to cleanse the Earth of the abominations those whom he created made when they disobeyed. The Bible also says the End Time will be as the days of Noah, but I digress.

    "We are surrounded by what we attract."
    To borrow a phrase from Dark Helmet; I'm surrounded by assholes! To borrow and pervert a song from an old Doctor Pepper commercial; I'm an asshole, he's an asshole, she's an asshole, wouldn't you like to be an asshole too? And why not? I have my fun making people laugh, but when it comes to spirits around me I have no idea, I don't see dead people, only black shapes out of the side of my eye that disappear when I turn my head.

    "If y'all remember my cat Amber, she showed up in 2010."
    No, I must have missed that.
    "When she showed up, her face looked just like his."
    Then maybe his face looked like hers. One interesting thing I noticed is some people look like animals, you've heard of "horse face", "bird like features", and such, rolly polly ones have definite porcine faces, no kidding. If you're a Whovian such as I perhaps you know the Sisters of Plenitude that showed up in a Doctor Who episode now and again.
    "Amber is very expressive and talks to me as if I know what she's saying."
    Pooh, my little lion was very independent going about his cat things mostly. It was Mowser, The Cat That Came In From The Cold literally, borrowing and twisting a book title, she was very expressive and wouldn't leave me alone. It was she who taught me to speak Cat, they use body language and vocalizations like other mammals. It's reptiles that are inscrutable, you never know what they're thinking and some have a habit of biting unexpectedly.
    "Basically I just get a mental picture but at this point I've come to understand the finer points of her language."
    That's how it happens when you pay attention to the subtle nuances, Amber is teaching you to speak Cat. A furry head bump means "I love you" and rubbing whiskers against you means "You belong to me, other cats beware." Ears tucked back means "I'm upset." accompanied by a growl means "I'm upset with you." When it turns into a his it means "Too late, back off buster, I will attack!" At that point there is no appeasement, don't try to make amends by petting or you WILL get scratched. If you're really close you can ask "What's the trouble?" (but don't touch) at the ears back stage, often kitty will puzzle a while and walk to what's bothering it. Cats are amazing when you get to know them.

    cat nurses.jpg
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

  4. #24

  5. #25
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    Overload. Too manic. Can't follow.

  6. #26
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    I guess you're trying to tell me my post was way too long. No need actually, there was much to comment on and it's easy to get carried away in that narrow slot we type in. When I clicked on the quick reply button I was shocked bt how much I wrote. It was like that wiki on South Park I got lost in, sorry 'bout that Chief. Just a quick note, I can't stand much of today's sorry excuse for music, excessively loud and blaring noise thanks to over processing, it has no dynamic range at all. I can't stand what funky soul turned into, rap crap and the like, then there was the vocalist in ACDC that sounded like a screech owl until he blew out his voice box, good for him! I agree with Trey and company, it's shit. Some modern music is great however, you'll find it here: If your player doesn't lock on the streams are on the main page:
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

  7. #27
    Conch Master suddenseer's Avatar
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    I probably am an arrogant asshole to some. Others blur the line between confidence, and arrogance. Technology started changing faster than any of us can keep up with a long time ago. That is why I think I seek comfort in roller inductors. I quit using the word, "faith" and replaced it with what I mean, confidence in my understanding of my reality confidence bell curve which is based on an ever changing data base.

    I became curious of ghosts/spirits when I sat with my high school buddy guarding a dead body at a secular funeral home.He was an ethnic Jewish atheist. He got paid. We listened to music, snuck in the bathroom, and got high. I have Jewish relatives so I had heard if this. I was under the wrong assumption. I thought we were guarding the body from symbolic body snatchers that was part of Jewish lore. I was wrong, we were there to witness her spirit coming back reanimating the body. They had a tradition that if the body doesn't move, its dead. They had to bury the body before sundown the next day.
    She did not rise up. My friends are mostly pagan. I damn near married one. I took part in a ghost hunt in an allegedly haunted abandoned building that was a downtown 5 story dept. store. We had access as far as the cops knew. I am not sure the realty home office 3 states away were aware. We had keys. I stayed in the basement with I think 3 others. The rest of the group on each floor. All if us started getting sick to our stomachs. We left freaking out a bit. No one on other floors shared our experience. Downtown Springfield is still riddled with old steam pipes, and their associated tunnels. Later, it was discovered an old sewage line sprung a leak near a tunnel forcing several streets to be tore up for repairs. This occurred in front of the building. I think we were breathing methane, or some noxious sewage gas. I have no evidence other than knowing about the millions spent on the core block infrastructure upgrade.
    I don't have a reason to believe in spirits, or gods.

    I do believe in what are called ufos. I helped design a sensor array for this:

    This underwater/to places in the stratosphere craft has been witnessed by many already. I can't mention the materials, and processes in the array, I don't fear the Navy, I fear the contractors who inherit proprietary rights to this technology.

    Yes, it is fusion powered. It is now very efficient, and will only be available to the public after a few energy corporations can finish killing each other. This was classified 10 years ago. I just know about the highly compartmentalized little part I worked on. Yes, some of the pilot interface requires surgical implants. My former boss is convinced it us ancient excavated technology. I do not know that to be true. Faith requires no evidence. I think it is the least reliable path to truth. I do wonder what other technology is being developed and fought over as I write this.
    I'm a godless person.i will answer to pantheist, atheist, agnostic, what ever label. I don't know. I proceed as if there is not, and the unusual occurrences tend to remain in that part of my mind.

    PS. Patents are not issued on perpetual motion machines. This stuff is indeed real, and already works.

    I forgot one. Memorize the inventors name. He will be bigger than NDT on the science geek tv shows. I am willing to place money on it. Quantum home pcs will be soon. If they can quiet them down. I don't want to be around when the unintended consequences start happening.
    Having beliefs is not a sign or lack of intelligence IMHO.

    Yes Superman, it's sort of a crystal:
    Last edited by suddenseer; 10-19-2019 at 09:36 AM.

    cul de n8tb
    "Sadly, it always takes a few martyrs to get the ball rolling." Colonel Tim Boldman 2001
    "There are no differences but differences of degree between different degrees of difference and no difference."--William James
    "Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings." Victor J. Stenger

  8. #28
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    Before I begin I make it clear that no comments about religion or personal beliefs should be taken as jokes or sarcasm.

    "Technology started changing faster than any of us can keep up with a long time ago."
    That's why I'm a vacuum tube (hollow state) man in a solid state world and an analog man in a digital world.
    "That is why I think I seek comfort in roller inductors."
    I seek comfort in roller inductors and air variable capacitors, the easiest way to build a tuner. You need an engineering degree to build output networks and ATUs for AM broadcast using clip tapped edge wound inductors and fixed HV ceramic caps carrying heavy RF currents. When I repaired a blown ATU it was all guesswork, it's a miracle I got it right the first time.

    "my reality confidence bell curve..."
    Who's putting sponge in the bells that I ring? Nowadays I can't even sing. That's how I feel about things, life has taken a real bad turn going on 20 years now.

    "He was an ethnic Jewish atheist."
    There is no such thing as a Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, etc. atheist, it's either one or the other. The word taken from the Greek means without a god.
    "He got paid."
    He got paid because he's Jewish and not a family member but a stand-in. According to Jewish belief once a Jew always a Jew whether born or proselytized.
    "I was wrong, we were there to witness her spirit coming back reanimating the body."
    I'm not a scholar of Jewish superstition so I can't say where that strange notion came from, zombies are a part of Voodoo, not Judaism. What I CAN say however is sitting Shiva, the traditional period of mourning begins at burial and lasts from one to the full seven days depending on many factors, including the family's level of observance or the deceased’s instructions or wishes. Shiva is not observed on the Sabbath or holidays and may be cut short because of them.
    "They had a tradition that if the body doesn't move, its dead."
    I believe that's a universal belief, if it's cold, blue-grey, and doesn't move or respond to stimuli it's dead.

    While on the subject, even a pronouncement by a physician may be wrong leading to another kind of zombie, a corpse awakening in a morgue or even after burial. After an autopsy however it's a sure bet the corpse is really dead. There are cases where the body is exhumed and scratches are discovered on the inside of the coffin lid, I think I'll leave instructions for a burial the old fashioned way. In days of old some were buried with a string around their hand leading to a bell on the surface where an observer would sit for a period of time. If the bell rang he'd rush to have the person dug up, six feet down is a dead ringer for the deceased. Now you know where that phrase "dead ringer" came from.

    "My friends are mostly pagan."
    In the late '60s many of my friends were Pagans when Ronny "The Rat" Dunaway, VP of the Rahway, NJ Chapter learned I went to school with his sister. They may be outlaws, but like me they're big on respect as I am, treat them right and they're the best friends you can have, and they have some great parties too. The word
    "pagan" is most misunderstood often confuised with Wiccans, practitioners of Wicca, white witchcraft. FIY a Warlock is a member of Warlocks MC, a male witch is still a witch.

    "I took part in a ghost hunt in an allegedly haunted abandoned building that was a downtown 5 story dept. store."
    That's an interesting story and you are 100% correct, sewer gas collecting at the lowest level that's not ventilated is what made people sick, not ghosts or evil spirits that are the stuff of horror movies. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy, (Hamlet 1.5.167-8) but most of the things that go bump in the night are easily explained by very basic science, electromagnetic fields, natural acoustics, and the like. There is a room in Grand Central Station, New York, that has phenomenal acoustics. The room is well traveled and always noisy, but if I stand facing into a corner and you stand facing into the opposite corner the noise disappears and we can converse in a normal voice and guess what... nobody else can hear us. Pretty neat, ay? I see Shadow People all the time, now we get into the unexplained paranormal, things that are REAL but mostly not believed or believed in.

    "I don't have a reason to believe in spirits, or gods."
    I and a few others here do, and that's because they don't reveal themselves to everybody for reasons all their own.

    "I do believe in what are called ufos."
    I believe in UFOs, I have seen plenty of glowing objects moving unlike known aircraft at night. I can't say what they were, that's why they were UFOs, UNIDENTIFIED flying objects. If I could say what they were they would be IFOs, Identified Flying Objects i.e interplanetary craft which I also believe have been around for all of recorded history. Early Man drew pictures of what are unmistakably aliens and their craft, but I take notions of them teaching us advanced technology with a 100 ton rail car of salt. The "Egyptian Light Bulb" is a cartouche with a SNAKE in it when you get away from hookie pookies from outer space and into Egyptology.

    "I don't fear the Navy, I fear the contractors who inherit proprietary rights to this technology."
    I think you need to fear the military in general, DARPA, and hundreds of related think tanks hell bent on weaponizing otherwise benign inventions. Tesla came up with many works in progress and the government spooks snatched them up and "disappeared" them. Perhaps the most well known was his "death ray", an EM weapon that he claimed could knock down planes and missiles at a range of 200 miles. Being such a brilliant man he divided his notes into 3 parts, gave one to the US, one to Russia, and the third to an undisclosed country. Naturally because of political mistrust, bickering, and the third party unknown to the world it likely never will be built. As for the Navy, have you ever heard of NUWK? It's not a coded contraction of what is perhaps the worst crime ridden city in New Jersey, but like that city you better not go anywhere near the sensor grid offshore at Newport, RI, Fox Island, Gould Island, or better still don't go sailing in Naragansset Bay. There's another facility at Keyport, WA, but I know nothing about it. The day of the lone inventor has drawn to a close, the day of the think tank has dawned, and with it yet another terror lurking.
    "This underwater/to places in the stratosphere craft has been witnessed by many already."
    One of the first to witness an encounter was Christopher Columbus who recorded it in his ship's log. Another who recorded sighting of such craft from a ship's rail was Dwight Eisenhower in the early 1950s. Fusion powered, hmmm. Are we talking about the same UFOs here?

    "I do wonder what other technology is being developed and fought over as I write this."
    I don't wonder, thought given to things that don't affect my daily life is thought wasted. People wondered how birds fly until high speed cameras caught them in the act. Stevie was a Wonder until I met Al Rando, but I digress.

    "PS. Patents are not issued on perpetual motion machines. This stuff is indeed real, and already works."
    Regus Patoff won't patent that which cannot exist in a universe where the laws of physics apply. Perhaps you haven't heard of the law of conservation of energy, now you're getting weird, with all due respect sir.

    "I forgot one. Memorize the inventors name."
    I know the Canadian you're thinking of, I forgot his name and have no interest in going back pointlessly memorizing something I have no interest in.
    "He will be bigger than NDT on the science geek tv shows."
    No, he won't, he had his 15 minutes of fame when he went off the rails misunderstanding zero point energy confusing it with electromagnetic levitation and powering a "perpetual motion machine" making a complete ass of himself on the Internet, our wonderful misinformation highway.
    "I am willing to place money on it."
    Sorry, I won't be around long enough to collect your debt to me.

    The bottom line is there is more bullshit than science on the Internet, it's a land of make believe, a place to laugh and have fun, but at the end of the day we turn our computers off and it all goes away. Soirry sir, you made some valid and very good points in the beginning, but then you got weird, like Stevie Nicks this is where I get off. A few lyrics from Dreams (Fleetwood Mac) seem appropriate...
    Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions
    I keep my visions to myself
    Thunder only happens when it's raining
    Players only love you when they're playing
    Women, they will come and they will go
    When the rain washes you clean, you'll know

    Boy, this got long... but long begets long I suppose................
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

  9. #29
    Orca Whisperer N1LAF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kb2vxa View Post
    As for the Navy, have you ever heard of NUWK?

    You mean NUWC, right?!?!

  10. #30
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    My fat fingers again. As long as I have room here (;->) and Strange Brew by Cream is my background music at this point, Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft by Klaatu would be more appropriate, here's a footnote on my last.

    On my way here I came across some pictures of strange lights in the sky that were actually natural and man-made phenomena. During WW2 both Allied and Luftwaffe war planes were dogged by "Foo Fighters", FOO being a word that peppered Bill Holman's Smokey Stover comics and was the subject of a novelty record, "What The World Needs Is Foo". Before I get too far off subject, several West Coast installations were attacked by Japanese submarines with damage of little consequence, and anti aircraft batteries were installed along with powerful carbon arc searchlights. One came down for a closer look, and The Battle of Los Angeles commenced. The alien craft hovered there in the searchlight beams (here contrast enhanced) with .50 machine gun bullets and exploding AA shells having no effect for several minutes, then it shot away at great speed. Naturally the Army denied the incident ever happened despite spent bullets and shell fragments found littering the ground the next day and newspapers covering the story. Those white dots are exploding AA shells.

    It made a lasting impression on Los Angelinos and anyone who heard of the incident naturally. Me too, governments try as they will to coverup and deny extraterrestrial visitors only look silly in the face of so many witnesses. Naturally people are a bit jumpy, Arizona and California 911 centers are inundated with calls over a ‘spaceship-shaped light’ in the sky, but it is just a Space X rocket launch on December 23, 2017. Check it out, you've seen this many times before with rocket launches at Cape Canaveral, Florida. You can see the puff where the second stage ignited, and the booster trailing behind in the trail flared in the thin upper atmosphere.

    Well, how many old movies have you seen that ended with "Keep watching, keep watching the skies."?

    ufo-space-x-arizona-california-696x928.jpg Battle LA contrast enhanced.jpg
    Last edited by kb2vxa; 10-30-2019 at 06:51 AM.
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

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