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Thread: I Give Up!

  1. #11
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    "Don't do what the voices tell you, even if you would have anyway."
    As for my voices, I talk with them when no one else is around, it's a very private thing. I won't do what they tell me to do, I know they're trying to get me in trouble doing what they can't do. Knowing that spirits are vapors without substance incapable of doing things without my help I tell them go do it yourself. That gets them really pissed, just because I don't have a CB radio anymore doesn't say I stopped chop busting. If they tell me to do what I was going to do that's what I ESPECIALLY won't do, it was a bad idea to begin with. That's why I bust their chops, they're trying to get me in trouble, the dirty little bastards.

    That's what Peter Green said in song and did it anyway, the stupid git. If you drop acid don't listen to the green dog that barks at you in your acid dreams. Peter Green did and gave away all of his money. He tried to convince the other band members that money is evil and they should give theirs away too, they laughed at him. Like chronic LSD use drove Syd Barrett who founded Pink Floyd insane, it did the same to Peter Green and got him, the founding member of Fleetwood Mac, like Syd he got kicked out of the band. Lesson learned: Drugs don't make a great band, talented musicians that don't take drugs make the GREATEST bands.
    Questions and answers:
    1. What is a manalishi, and if I'm not able to procure one, is there a good substitute?
    He never explained, but it's probably the name he gave to the dog in his druggie dream. Just get a poodle and dye it green like this woman did.
    2. Are there any other colours other than green?
    If there were it wouldn't be a green manalishi now would it?
    3. Are there one-, three-, or four-pronged versions (i.e. does prong number really matter)?
    There can be as many prongs as the king desires if you take it literally, but this crown is a metaphor. Take the horns from a Halloween devil costume, put it on the poodle's head, and there's your green manalishi with the two prong crown.

    Green Manalishi.jpg

    Last edited by kb2vxa; 10-07-2019 at 09:45 AM.
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

  2. #12
    Conch Master suddenseer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kb2vxa View Post
    "Don't do what the voices tell you, even if you would have anyway."
    As for my voices, I talk with them when no one else is around, it's a very private thing. I won't do what they tell me to do, I know they're trying to get me in trouble doing what they can't do. Knowing that spirits are vapors without substance incapable of doing things without my help I tell them go do it yourself. That gets them really pissed,
    It could be the Mazorps.

    I think the folks in labcoats have very compelling evidence that those voices really are not spirits, whatever those are. I have been looking for them. I even went ghost hunting a few times, and was asked not to come along anymore. For some reasons, ghosts don't perform for atheists.
    You might find that the spirits are just your right, and left brain hemisheres begging for attention. Years ago, severe epileptic patients were treated with a very severe split brain surgery, which is mostly treated today with pharmakos.
    Those folks mostly demonstrated to have two distinct personalities which are apparently unaware of each other. They are often polar opposites of each other. An individual can even have an atheist on one side, and a buybull banging fanatic on the other. They are apparently talking about you, right in your presence, how rude.
    I bet Dave has the usual on topic comic for it. He developed a comic search engine.

    cul de n8tb
    "Sadly, it always takes a few martyrs to get the ball rolling." Colonel Tim Boldman 2001
    "There are no differences but differences of degree between different degrees of difference and no difference."--William James
    "Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings." Victor J. Stenger

  3. #13
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suddenseer View Post
    It could be the Mazorps.

    I think the folks in labcoats have very compelling evidence that those voices really are not spirits, whatever those are. ... <snip>
    [shortened for space]

    I've seen things without looking for them. Some were recently deceased. I could tell by their appearance. Some were children in older homes that died in the mid 30's to late 40's. Had to research those. Some were animals. Horses and dogs.
    One day Science will help us understand while we're still on our mortal coils but until then it really matters not what you believe or do not believe or what others believe.

  4. #14
    Whacker Knot WØTKX's Avatar
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    Cool video lecture, Tim...


    Good stuff starts at 16 minutes in.
    I have two of his books.

    "Where would we be without the agitators of the world to attach the electrodes
    of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?" ~ Professor "Dick" Soloman

  5. #15
    Conch Master suddenseer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KG4CGC View Post
    [shortened for space]

    I've seen things without looking for them. Some were recently deceased. I could tell by their appearance. Some were children in older homes that died in the mid 30's to late 40's. Had to research those. Some were animals. Horses and dogs.
    One day Science will help us understand while we're still on our mortal coils but until then it really matters not what you believe or do not believe or what others believe.
    Voices are one thing, weird unexplained occurrences might be worthy of their own category. I've seen most weird shit with anatuer radio aerials, and transmission lines. Our brains just don't know how to process some signals. I want to experience some spirits. So far, they ignore me. I quit the ones in the bottle some time back.

    cul de n8tb
    "Sadly, it always takes a few martyrs to get the ball rolling." Colonel Tim Boldman 2001
    "There are no differences but differences of degree between different degrees of difference and no difference."--William James
    "Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings." Victor J. Stenger

  6. #16
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suddenseer View Post
    Voices are one thing, weird unexplained occurrences might be worthy of their own category. I've seen most weird shit with anatuer radio aerials, and transmission lines. Our brains just don't know how to process some signals. I want to experience some spirits. So far, they ignore me. I quit the ones in the bottle some time back.
    Had one throw a spatula at me. Outside on the front porch near the grill. I made friends with him. I asked the family for his favorite shot glass and gave him my whiskey. Rolled him a cigarette. Later that night as we were leaving he, rode in the truck with us until we reached the property line.
    After the spatula incident I walked into the living room and asked them if they had ghosts.
    "OH! That's Pop Pop." Apparently he had the men outside chasing down fires in the pasture earlier in the evening. They started telling me about it after I asked them about ghosts and told them what happened. His widow had set up a shrine for him in the home with pictures and medals from his Navy days. I addressed him as sir.
    I'm still friends with his grand daughter on FB.

  7. #17
    Conch Master suddenseer's Avatar
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    I have personally experienced unusual events. I am in agreement with your earlier post. I think if a god, and spirits exist, science will develope a means to reliably connect. Religions have had their turn, and failed. The key word is reliable. All I see making claims of using technology, all fail any testing. I have experienced lucid dreaming, and apparent dreams of being out of the body. For me, these experiences have a distinctive permanent memory etched in. From my brain injuries, I don't remember my, "normal" dreams. I have vivid memories of colors, smells, sounds, feeling of motion, and gravity while flying. I was convinced that the places I saw, and the people, and animals were real. They could not detect me, sans the cats, they all hissed, and ran away to my maximum amusement.

    cul de n8tb
    "Sadly, it always takes a few martyrs to get the ball rolling." Colonel Tim Boldman 2001
    "There are no differences but differences of degree between different degrees of difference and no difference."--William James
    "Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings." Victor J. Stenger

  8. #18
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    You guys gave me a lot to catch up on, here's only some of it. <POKE> Stay awake now. (;->)

    We share this world with spirits, they're all around us only on a different plane of existence. Shades of They Live starring Roddy Piper! Sorry, I just can't resist a little humor or a great movie. I don't believe in ghosts, they are spirits impersonating people, especially loved ones or family members. That leads into familiar (the of a family definition) spirits and witches with their black cats, (embodied familiar spirits) another topic altogether. You don't have to be psycho... psychic to see them, people including myself see them all the time as black shapes out of the corner of the eye, then when they look there is nothing there.

    When I was younger living at home my mother suddenly got the notion her mother's ghost was in the house watching over her, at the same time an old mantle clock that hadn't been wound in years stored in the attic began to chime on and off. That only reinforced her notion so she refused to believe ghosts don't exist. I'm deeply spiritual and off and on study the occult, (that which is hidden) ancient magic and witchcraft, they're all related. I knew what was going on and one night alone watching TV in the living room my moment arrived. The clock chimed as a cold draft came down the stairs out of nowhere, the "ghost" was trying to drag me into the charade. I walked over, stood on the landing at the foot of the stairs, and addressed the spirit thus, "I KNOW you, you are not what you pretend to be! Playing tricks on my mother and misleading her is evil, you are NOT her mother but an evil spirit! NOW BE GONE AND DO NOT RETURN, THE GAME IS OVER!!! Mum never spoke of it again, the clock never chimed again, she was free.

    Of course "ghosts" don't perform for atheists, ghosts don't exist, and spirits being rooted in religion and spirituality refuse those surrounded by negative energy that harms them. They're not mind readers, they need to be told and they're all around, the caution "If one knows a secret it remains a secret. Tell another and the world knows." applies in all situations. Ghost hunters crack me up, they never find any hard evidence because it's all playing to the cameras, a TV show. It's all about the ratings, ratings translate to money in this money driven world. Those floating orbs are motes of dust close to the camera lens out of focus, those streaks are night flying insects and corkscrew streaks are moths. They show up like that because of the low light camera settings, and slow film, use high speed film and set the camera up for it and they show up clearly as what they really are. A lot of this shit is clearly hoaxed, I nearly lost it when I saw a streak move between adjacent monitors when the cameras were in locations far removed from each other! BTW, if you want to find another group and go along for the ride and the fun, first you need a gob stopper. Don't make the same mistake twice, never let religion or lack of it get into the conversation, that's what got you kicked out. If asked, and it's probably inevitable, say you're agnostic, a seeker of truth with an open mind neither believing nor disbelieving and leave it at that. If they persist be polite but firm... "Hey, religion is a volatile subject that leads to arguments. (That's why on air discussion is frowned upon.) That's not a good way to make friends, now is it?" Unless you're speaking with an idiot he/she will get the message and STFU. Last but not least, if a spirit chooses to reveal its presence it will all by itself without a hokey pokey ghost hunt.

    "Some were animals. Horses and dogs."
    Oh oh Charles, you're getting awfully close to that green manalishi. (;->)
    "I've seen things without looking for them. Some were recently deceased."
    NOW you're really scaring me!

    Oh fork the damn token has expired, here!

    "Voices are one thing, weird unexplained occurrences might be worthy of their own category."
    I'll get into that in a moment, it's a long one but interesting.
    "I've seen most weird shit with anatuer radio aerials, and transmission lines."
    I know a ham with a vertical delta in his yard. It has old fashioned Christmas tree light strings on it so he lights the cross along with other decorations. When it comes to really weird, insane antennas fed with open wire ladder line you missed an antenna field that makes the VOA sites look sane. Just south across the water from Seaside Heights that MTV's "Jersey Shore" made even more infamous is Ocean Gate. In the salt marsh a bit difficult to locate with Google Maps unless you look for a big vacant spot near the water is the abandoned AT&T transatlantic telephone link where ISB with suppressed carrier mode was used before satellites now replaced with fiber optic cables. I saw it up close and personal before Sandy completely wiped out the complex wire antennas and wrecked the transmitter building, some pictures remain on the Internet.
    "Our brains just don't know how to process some signals."
    That's why we don't have RF connectors on our heads and must use receivers.

    "I have personally experienced unusual events."
    U2? Leaving the best for last this is where it gets a bit long. <POKE!> That's to keep you awake. Before I get started let me make it clear I know the difference between a "psychic experience" even when stoned and a hallucination also when stoned. I used to get stoned a lot when cannabis was cheap. To quickly get the stony hallucination out of the way first, after smoking an ounce of hash all by myself the walls started breathing, breathing in and out, rubber walls. The experience was in a friend's upstairs bedroom at the front of the house. We sat in our comfy chairs facing front with the ceiling light dimmed "riding the music" eyes closed. First the wall, floor, and chair disappeared, I was watching his parents in the living room below and light traffic in the street out front. Hey, this is pretty cool, I can look all around without moving my head or opening my eyes. Then it got really weird, space was gone, now TIME is gone too! I see cars going by about 15 seconds before hearing them! I'm going step by step deeper into The Twilight Zone, I'm about to fall off the edge with what happened next. I watched my friend get up out of his chair, walk past me and around to the hall door, the closet door was in the wall at a right angle to it. He reached out to the light switch, at that point I opened my eyes, the wall and floor returned, he was still seated to my right. Remember the 15 seconds, I counted them off and at that point he got up, walked around and turned up the light, then continued in real time to go in the closet for more Ganja, the second round. I told him about it and there was no "I don't believe it" reaction, he too is a spiritual being and we were psychically connected for years before he went SK a few years ago. We always knew what each other were thinking, things like one would start humming the same song in perfect sync with what the other was thinking. Not twins but close, he was born 364 days after me almost to the hour.
    Last edited by kb2vxa; 10-08-2019 at 01:30 PM.
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

  9. #19
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    I once bought an amp and some speakers from this woman I knew that was having a yard sale.
    That same night I started hearing noises in a part of the room but there was nothing there to make the noise. At first I thought it was one of the cats, playing with something like an aluminum can that was dented and kind of stepping on it. Nothing there.
    Next night, same thing from a different part of the room.

    I kept sensing something so the next day or two I messaged her and asked her, "Do you have ghosts?" Apparently it was her brother in law who died years earlier. She told me he used to flip on the home stereo in the middle of the night full blast at her house ... as a ghost. Well, I had not yet wired the speakers to anything neither had I used the amp. Everything was just sitting. I figured he would fade away and go back home but after a few days I finally told him he couldn't stay and had to leave. With that, he left.

    The next day I got in the car and he was waiting in the passenger seat. So, I talked to the woman I got the speakers from again and met up with her at work and dropped him off there ... but not before he messed with all the traffic lights the whole way there.
    Any time I got to an intersection with a red light on, it would stay red. I was talking to him when I started out, telling him where we were going and what I was doing. There were lines forming behind me as I was close to the light, within 4 cars. It turned red and just stayed red for like 12 minutes. There ain't no 12 minute lights around here. I turned to look at him as if I could really see him and said, "Really?"

    I took an opportunity to make a u-turn out of traffic and as I looked in the rear view mirror ... the light turned green.
    I turned to him again, "REALLY?"
    This happened again at several more lights. We'd sit there, at a really long red light and I had to say, "haha funny" before the light would finally turn green.
    When I finally got him to her shop, I had to open the car door for him and walk him into the shop. I literally handed him off to her. We both had a laugh and then we all started in to the experiences we had living in the Upstate. That's what we call it, "The Upstate." The northwest corner of SC. Several employees had things to say and add.

  10. #20
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    I banished the spirit only because it wasn't very strong or determined. Like your Loki this one was attached to an object, the mantle clock that came from mum's aunt and uncle's house in Pennsylvania. That was the connection with her, in their youth she and her younger brother were their wards, when they passed he came to live with us. I imagine the spirit in the clock made its appearance when the circle was complete.

    Don't mind me getting a bit of a chuckle from your story, I'm sorry to say you don't know how to command spirits while I used my acquired knowledge against our hant. First, that clicking you heard was the frustrated spirit of the amp trying to turn it on, lucky for you the speakers weren't connected. Obviously you shouldn't make the system complete until you're sure you have banished the spirit from your home, you failed to command your hant never to return so it may. It's obviously a Loki being how it played with you and replied "Yeah, really!" in its next act. I wonder if you had a recording device on in the car and played it back later you may have heard EVPs. Just thinking, there is a cemetery near my last QTH, I was toying with buying a recorder and try my hand at collecting EVPs because a cemetery is a hot spot for spirit activity. Two things dissuaded me, I don't need a portable recorder and wandering around a graveyard at night (when the hants traditionally come out to play) it would be difficult to explain to the police.

    Just a reminder to readers, I don't believe in ghosts, but being a spiritual person believe in spirits all around, good, evil, and neutral. I use the Norse name for The Trickster, Loki, but every culture has a name in its own language. He is Pan to the English, and there are many names that translate to fox, a well known anima in various Native American languages. A thought along those lines just came to me, sometimes parents don't think in naming their children, every name has a meaning that comes clear with enough searching. I left my Chinese friends up north when I moved, but I'll never forget them or their names and meanings. First I must explain they're backward from the western, the family name is first. Chin Oolie, oolie is fox, here we have the trickster. Tong Yin, yin of yin and yang forces of the body, yin is female, yang is male. So why isn't his name Tong Yang? Needless to say he's unhappy with Yin. Keeping this short I'll skip right down to myself, I'm a Junior, but I got all the goodies. Warren, the guardian of truth and justice, those are my strongest points. Edward, guardian of wealth, but my bank account is nothing to write home about. My wealth is the true wealth in my Heavenly bank account waiting for me. The Bible says much about laying your wealth up in Heaven, but that's a story in itself. Here's the topper for those who believe in such things, Venus was conjunct with Alpha Librae (the left star in the balance arm) at the time of my birth making me a Double Libra in Roman astrology. I'm a Bull in Chinese astrology, I get that way at times. Stone court houses most often have blindfolded Venus with her sword and scales over the main entrance, unfortunately the sword is pointed down incorrectly. US law is strongly based on Roman law and many terms are Latin, but I digress. The downward pointing sword is purely architectural common sense so it is firmly supported, depicted correctly Venus is the goddess of justice, blindfolded indicating blind justice, the scales weigh evidence and testimony, the sword upraised and poised to strike down the guilty. No wonder truth and justice are my strongest points, everything about me is focused on them.

    OK, I'm right round the bend, I even named my computer Minya son of Godzilla after the computer that sacrificed itself so Minya could be born that I named Godzilla because it was such a beast. If you like I follow the Toho Monsterverse you know how in Son Of Godzilla (1967) when he hatched on Monster Island he soon made friends with a kid about his size. That made him a lover of children as his father became the guardian of Japan against unfriendly kaiju. (giant monsters) In Godzilla vs. Destroyah he gave his life for Minya now fully grown who killed Destroya. Now Minya is a lover of children and guardian of Japan, a kaiju after my own heart.

    P. S. American film makers should consult with their Japanese counterparts. Godzilla died in 1992. This year's Godzilla King Of The Monsters that made the point Godzilla is and always will be king is all wrong. Truth and justice! That big lizard was MINYA, it should be Minya King Of The Monsters! The crown was passed, long live the king. Well, whether you think it's Godzilla or know it's Minya, it's a great movie, no cheepnis, every bit as good as a Toho movie.
    Last edited by kb2vxa; 10-09-2019 at 09:59 AM.
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

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