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Thread: The 510 Thread

  1. #11
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    The clowns down under won't like that very much. (;->) Genuine hookahs are expensive, every pot head had a Lucite bong so we made them from chemistry lab glassware like the still in The Swamp. No, not QRM, M*A*S*H. Where stoner movies go there are three Evil Bong (from outer space) movies out there, but I digress. I prefer the googoo from The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy, but now getting to the point...

    "Vaping nicotine is the safest thing on the planet. Safer than eating peanut butter on toast."
    Tell that to one allergic to peanuts. (;->) With all due respect Charles, you seem to have missed what just may be the most important point that is completely overlooked in this whole debacle, NICOTINE IS ONE OF THE MOST POTENT DEADLY POISONS ON THE PLANET!!! I just can't emphasize it enough, ask any gardener who has read the list of ingredients in his bug killer or has used the "organic" insecticide, snuff. Yes, tobacco powder that seems to have gone out of fashion and is hard to find since the Geo. W. Helme Co. in the 4 building town across the street, Helmetta, NJ closed. The point I'm making here is it is so easy to overdose inhaling the concentrated form it's not funny, frankly a serious issue that may lie at the heart of the problem. INSTEAD OF DANCING AROUND THE ISSUE THE CDC AND CPC (center for poison control) SHOULD GET DOWN TO STUDIES AND THE POWERS THAT BE ACT ACCORDINGLY!

    Charles, you're spot on with drug related issues related to vaping and other, I stand beside you and shout LEGALIZE MARIJUANA ACROSS THE BOARD! Then not only will stoners not have to resort to barely legal substances that KILL*, it will also open the door to much needed medical research. It has been good medicine (double entendre there) for thousands of years, WAKE UP WORLD!

    * Mojo isn't the only one, King Krypto, Spice, Puff, Tribal Warrior, Sleep Walker, Black Mamba and numerous other brands — that are legal are proven killers. The big trouble here is this is from memory of what documentation there was about a decade ago that has unfortunately disappeared, you'll just have to take the word of an honest man for it if you will.
    Last edited by kb2vxa; 08-31-2019 at 11:01 AM.
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

  2. #12
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    EM84ru, Easley SC
    You said you weren't going to talk to me anymore.

  3. #13
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    You misread me, I won't talk to you in that thread and I didn't. The best way to stop things going downhill is to stop. You're sensitive when it comes to posting photos so I'll avoid comment, but otherwise you're OK.
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

  4. #14
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    EM84ru, Easley SC
    You're misinformed about vaping and you're bad at geography.

  5. #15
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    Well, if you think I'm misinformed about inhaling a deadly poison you're entitled to your opinion. How am I bad at geography? I read over my post carefully, the only thing I saw about geography is Helmetta, NJ. I lived more or less in the area and I remember the Helme snuff factory very well and the Pennsylvania RR spur de-electrified and one track removed by Conrail, now CSX that ran between the buildings and Manalapan Rd., both go from South Amboy to Jamesburg. I was issued a low number fishing permit by security to fish in the pond on the property behind the factory, dad, his brother and I went for bass at night and all we caught were lily pads. It was very dark, no light pollution, I lay back in the boat looking at the Milky Way imagining all the life out there. The last time I was there was about 1998 in the VXAmobile, the plant was closed and leased out, it and Helmetta across Manalapan Rd. remain viable. So, where did my geography go wrong? Google maps marks the spot.

    Ex Helme bldg.jpgHelmetta map.jpg
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

  6. #16
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    EM84ru, Easley SC
    You're VERY misinformed about vaping. That's not an opinion.
    As for geography, Mt. Mitchell isn't anywhere near where you place in another thread.

  7. #17
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    All I know about vaping is what I see. As an ex cigarette smoker, I see all the exhaled hit and wonder why it's so thick. Like if I were smoking weed with that person I would wonder why they're wasting so much of the hit. What am I actually seeing there? Looks like megahit overkill, which in my mind can't be good for you.

    Enlighten please.

    Can't speak to geography. I get lost from time to time too.

    Like that post was...
    Moving on, my posts are not helpful

  8. #18
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    EM84ru, Easley SC
    Vaping is supposed to be used as way to stop using cigarettes.
    Nicotine levels can be controlled with vaping down to any decimal you choose.
    Don't argue against vaping with people who have used it to stop smoking.
    We know what 3 to 4 chemicals are used in "e-liquid."
    propylene glycol
    vegetable glycerin
    pharmaceutical grade flavoring
    ... and diluted nicotine ... or not.
    We know that you get 4000+ deadly chemicals from burning cigarettes, 64 of which contain known cancer causing carcinogens. Inhaling smoldering tobacco also increases carbon monoxide levels in the blood as well as added cyanide and arsenic.
    Vaping is none of this. Vaping nicotine to quit cigarettes has no other side effect than making you crave cigarettes less. You can decrease your nicotine levels little by little until you get down to zero or whatever is a comfortable level. The levels of nicotine is vaping is not only very low, but there is no tar and none of the chemicals the tobacco companies use to make the cigarette hit more like a hit of crack!

    Why big thick clouds? Not everyone does that. That's competitive level shit. Yes. Yes, there is vape sport. What do you expect though. We're humans. People are competitive. It's hardwired in our DNA. Survival of the fittest and all that.
    Most people quitting smoking use smaller devices that simply keep their nicotine maintenance where it needs to be as they get further and further away from cigarettes. If you've never used nicotine, then you shouldn't vape. It's that simple. Otherwise, leave adults alone and don't preach to them about vaping. It could be worse.
    Remember when everyone smoked? Remember when stale old ashtray smell was everywhere? Stairwells, elevators, storefronts, inside stores, etc etc etc ad-nauseum? Remember hugging your aunt and she smelled of make-up and Tareytons? Remember cigarettes butts rolling and flopping around at the end of the escalator? Where you inside the Belk's when a child reached down to grab on of those cigarette butts and lost 3 fingers and a few more inches of skin to the escalator? Did you hear the blood curdling scream of a 5 year old losing his innocence forever that day?
    I did.
    There is none of that with vaping.

  9. #19
    Master Navigator koØm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WZ7U View Post
    All I know about vaping is what I see. As an ex cigarette smoker, I see all the exhaled hit and wonder why it's so thick. Like if I were smoking weed with that person I would wonder why they're wasting so much of the hit. What am I actually seeing there? Looks like megahit overkill, which in my mind can't be good for you.

    Enlighten please.

    Can't speak to geography. I get lost from time to time too.

    When you see Nicotine huge vapors clouds from nicotine vapers, it has to do with the type of mixture used and the equipment used to vaporize the liquid. Nic-Vap liquid has a mixture of Propyl Glycerol and Propyl Ethel Glycerol what Charles said in the previous post which, makes the clouds of vapors.

    Authentic (and reputable) THC / CBD vaping cartridges use different agents to dilute the oil that goes into the carts. THC/CBD oils don't give off those kinds of vapor clouds.

    If, you see someone blowing vapor clouds like the ones in the videos, and saying that it's from a THC/CBD cart then, they are trying to bamboozle you or, they themselves have been bamboozled.
    Last edited by koØm; 09-03-2019 at 09:58 PM.

  10. #20
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    OK, that sounds better guys. Thanks. Must be the propylene glycol I'm seeing.

    I know when your head gasket is leaking coolant (ethylene glycol) into the combustion chamber bad enough, you get a cloud similar to what these clowns are blowing out the car windows at 65mph. I swear sometimes they are playing that video game from the 80's where the car had machine guns, oil slick and a cloud machine to wipe out the competition. Can't remember the name.... fuck.

    Like that post was...
    Moving on, my posts are not helpful

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