The Transoceanic always was a good general coverage portable radio and each successive model had improvements, until the baby beast came along, the R-7000. The neat thing about it is the neat thing about 12" B&W portable TVs back in the day, they operated off a 12VDC bus. I'm sure you guys know how versatile a 12VDC bus is, it doesn't stink like Diesel. Seriously, anything with a 12V electrical system can save a lot of batteries.

Speaking of versatile, here's a giggle from Jay's Radio Reviews: "Even more interestingly the R-7000 does feature one spread band; SW 7 covers 26.9 – 27.5 MHz, which is a small segment of the SW 6 band which spans 22 – 30 MHz. Why a spread band at this odd frequency range? The answer is Citizens Band which was hugely popular back in the 70’s and 80’s." Cee Bee, ah HILK! Ah ken lisn ta all da squallin anna squealin ov hexagrines and truckers cussin. WHEE!

The lack of spread bands on the Royal doesn't matter on Cee Bee being dead as the proverbial door nail, but my experience with an earlier model and various antique radio chassis says it makes what's left of SWLing very difficult at best. With such narrow tuning just breathe on the dial and the station is mistuned or you're hearing a different one altogether. That reminds me of a friend's Hammerlund HQ-180 with a strange quirk, tap the case and it changed frequencies. On the plus side, it's a great portable radio, just bring a sack of D cells to keep it fed. On the minus side, parts are made of unobtanium so if something breaks down its bye bye radio. There's nothing really wrong with it if you display it among your trophies, but being a practical grumpy old bastid I'd rather have a portable I can repair.

"I have to wait for it to warm up and "dew" to dry up."
If it's mountain dew made deep in the Georgia pines don't dry it up, lap it up.

"Interesting to me too... I used to lust for that radio..."
You're strange, I used to lust for Playboy Bunnies. Speaking of which, I have a picture of Marilyn with a staple in her navel, but I'll catch hell if I post it. Before the torchlight parade begins here's something to put smiles on your faces. If you can tear your eyes off Jayne Mansfield, check out the look on Sophia Loren's face, oh ME-OW!

Sophia Loren envious of Jayne Mansfield's titties.jpg