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Thread: Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting - W3WN

  1. #1
    Administrator ad4mg's Avatar
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    Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting - W3WN

    I am saddened to hear of yet another senseless tragedy in our country. In light of the shooting at the Synagogue in Pittsburgh, I am concerned about Ron, W3WN, and his family. I know Ron is quite active in his community. If anyone has the ability to check on our friend, please do so and let us know how he's doing.


  2. #2
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    I PM'ed him over yonder. Let's hope all is well for Ron and his family. This is why I don't turn on the telly till late at night.....

    On edit - I see where he posted over yonder about 10am Pacific, so who knows?
    Last edited by WZ7U; 10-27-2018 at 05:14 PM. Reason: new data point

    Like that post was...
    Moving on, my posts are not helpful

  3. #3
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    Yup, all is well with Ron and his family. Apparently this happened across town if I understood the geographic references correctly. Thanks for your concern Luke. I may have not even heard of this latest tragedy had I not checked into the Island Therapeutic Center today.

    OK, back to hunting Ducie!

    Like that post was...
    Moving on, my posts are not helpful

  4. #4
    Orca Whisperer W3WN's Avatar
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    I'm fine. The family is fine. The shooting took place on the other side of the city from where we are.

    I will admit to being a little shaken to hearing on the news that the shooter (I know I should be PC and say "alleged shooter" but there's no doubt in this case) lives... lived in an adjacent community, close to where the Boss and I used to go bowling with friends.

    The shooter is currently in Federal custody, and with any justice, will never see the light of day as a free man ever again.

    Don't worry about me. Pray (those of you who do, anyway) for the victims and their families. Pray for those in the hospital recovering from their injuries... several of the injured are in very bad shape, from the news reports. If you want to do something and can't think of anything else, donate blood.

    And fight hatred and prejudice where you come across it.

    -- 30 --
    “Nobody is going to feel sorry for us. 90% of the people don’t care, the other 10% are glad it happened.” — Clint Hurdle, 2019


    Fudd's First Law of Opposition: If you push something hard enough, it WILL fall down.
    Teslacle's Deviant to Fudd's Law: It goes in, it must go out.

    Just remember: Abraham Lincoln didn't die in vain. He died in Washington, DC

    Cutch 300!!!!!

    “Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Trump golfed.” — Bernie Sanders

    Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

  5. #5
    Administrator ad4mg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by W3WN View Post
    I'm fine. The family is fine. The shooting took place on the other side of the city from where we are.

    I will admit to being a little shaken to hearing on the news that the shooter (I know I should be PC and say "alleged shooter" but there's no doubt in this case) lives... lived in an adjacent community, close to where the Boss and I used to go bowling with friends.

    The shooter is currently in Federal custody, and with any justice, will never see the light of day as a free man ever again.

    Don't worry about me. Pray (those of you who do, anyway) for the victims and their families. Pray for those in the hospital recovering from their injuries... several of the injured are in very bad shape, from the news reports. If you want to do something and can't think of anything else, donate blood.

    And fight hatred and prejudice where you come across it.

    -- 30 --
    Thanks for stopping by and filling us in, Ron. These senseless tragedies are bad enough in themselves, but I always ponder about friends who may have been in harm's way.

    Take care, Ron, and Best 73!

  6. #6
    Conch Master suddenseer's Avatar
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    We can share a collective sigh of relief. Ron's icon image popped into my head when I saw the news. I was rather unsettled yesterday, as I am anti religious, but houses of prayer of all faiths is something that an old atheist honors. The old folks did the shabbat on friday night, and spent saturdays sitting in the house yelling at each other, that is what a little kid remembers. Getting shot was not even in the post WW2 Merican mindset.

    cul de n8tb
    "Sadly, it always takes a few martyrs to get the ball rolling." Colonel Tim Boldman 2001
    "There are no differences but differences of degree between different degrees of difference and no difference."--William James
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  7. #7
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    Ron, did you mark yourself as "safe" on Facebook.
    Sorry. A little levity. I'm glad you and yours are safe.

    That's all I'll say non the topic in this thread.

  8. #8
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Glad to see you're doing well, Ron. Prayers/best wishes for those affected.
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  9. #9
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    ^ This ^

    This from the CBS News web page really got to me:
    "The Tree of Life's spiritual leader was hailed as a hero for saving many of his congregants, "CBS This Morning" co-host Bianna Golodryga reports. Rabbi Jeffrey Myers had just begun his sermon when the gunman began shooting. Myers told Golodryga that he was coping "badly" with the trauma. "I could only save some," he said. "The people in the back of the sanctuary I could not save." He said he regretted not being able to do more to help. "I carry that regret with me, and I will the rest of my life," he said."

    Pray not for the dead, they rest in the bosom of Abraham. Pray for the Rabbi and the survivors, first responders, police, and other witnesses of this senseless slaughter, they must live with the memory as long as they live. I am one of those people, years ago I helped direct traffic around a huge wreck on a highway in my home town with four fatalities and a dozen severely injured. It started to rain and I found myself standing in a rivulet of blood mixed with water. I'll never forget that scene straight out of a horror movie, I know how they feel.
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
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