View Poll Results: Political Discussion Options

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  • Keep the political forum as-is, and make no changes.

    1 4.55%
  • Make the current forum invisible to guests, but nix the idea of a new forum.

    1 4.55%
  • Create the new forum, but keep the existing forum visible to everyone.

    2 9.09%
  • Go with the new plan as outined... new forum and marking the existing forum invisible to guests.

    9 40.91%
  • The nuclear option: Delete the political forum and rid us of politics altogether.

    2 9.09%
  • Dance naked with a rubber hose and stuffed animal

    7 31.82%
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Thread: The political forum

  1. #41
    Island Canuck VE7DCW's Avatar
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    So ........ has it been finalized on how the new political forum will be to non members of the Island Luke? ..... just curious and all that......
    Why,driving into a brick wall at 60 miles per hour, would I expect it not to hurt!

    Walk and Talk like a Canajun!!

  2. #42
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    EM84ru, Easley SC
    Quote Originally Posted by ad4mg View Post
    There's going to be a delay in implementing anything else right now. Last night's storms took out some of my equipment here. Lost the cable modem/wireless router, and also an all-in-one HP OfficeJet printer. Apparently, the electrical surge came down the cable, as the printer was the only device on at the time. Being a holiday weekend, the soonest I can get a modem from Comcast is Tuesday, and I have no way of knowing if the cable itself has been damaged.

    I'm on my laptop, running the wireless hot spot on my smart phone for internet. Signal is pretty poor, and of course, I don't have an unlimited data plan (just don't need it).

    So Wednesday, maybe, after I can confer with Bob and Fred.
    Quote Originally Posted by VE7DCW View Post
    So ........ has it been finalized on how the new political forum will be to non members of the Island Luke? ..... just curious and all that......
    There ya go, Gerry. There are possible delays.

  3. #43
    The Fluid of Spock KD8TUT's Avatar
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    I'm going to take some heat for this.... but...

    I think in addition to this that perhaps we ought step away from being the "misift" forum. Rather, we should build up our ham radio content and be of more service to the overall community. Not just those who hate the other forums.

    I've got my own frustration with the "other communities" of course. I think they are shoddily run cliques run by biased assholes who do not deserve the positions they have.

    However, we can't continue indefinitely taking the liberal overflow from other forums as our only way of gaining new members.

    That's just my thoughts on the subject. Since we are not commercial we do not need to rely on politics for page views... which leaves us free to actually deal with radio.
    So there I was, totally naked. With only a rubber hose and a stuffed animal...

  4. #44
    Administrator ad4mg's Avatar
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    I'm actually thinking along the same lines. We've taken the existing political forum out of public view, and with the fairly low volume of traffic and relatively civil discourse, perhaps we don't require another political forum.

    I'm kinda thinking in terms of leaving everything as-is until the political forum causes us additional problems.

    BTW - most new members gravitate to the technical forums. There's only a dozen or so regulars posting in the political forum these days, so we should try to keep it civil.

    I think politics is an important part of our hobby. Discussion of the topic should be allowed as long as the booger eaters don't show back up. Tolerance for that sort of thing ended with the "One gun thread to rule all gun threads" bullshit.

    My humble opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by KD8TUT View Post
    I'm going to take some heat for this.... but...

    I think in addition to this that perhaps we ought step away from being the "misift" forum. Rather, we should build up our ham radio content and be of more service to the overall community. Not just those who hate the other forums.

    I've got my own frustration with the "other communities" of course. I think they are shoddily run cliques run by biased assholes who do not deserve the positions they have.

    However, we can't continue indefinitely taking the liberal overflow from other forums as our only way of gaining new members.

    That's just my thoughts on the subject. Since we are not commercial we do not need to rely on politics for page views... which leaves us free to actually deal with radio.
    QAnon / GOP Republicans mentally lack the necessary intelligence to even tell a decent lie (Ex: A cabal of Satanic, cannibalistic pedophiles run a global child sex trafficking ring and conspired against former President Dotard dRUMPf during his term in office... Jewish space lasers, etc.). What in the hell makes anyone believe these melon heads can actually govern?

  5. #45
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    I can try to watch my mouth, but it has proven ineffective in the past.

    No, really, I will be civil unless a booger eater goes sideways with me. I am capable of a little modicum of civility at times.

    However, we are still considered misfits by those other ops, so how do we get away from that sort of baggage as a site?

    Like that post was...
    Moving on, my posts are not helpful

  6. #46
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    I think we forget that there were those who's sole mission was to come here to "teach us a lesson." Dave, the Island founder was told that if he didn't like how things were run at the place that shall not be mentioned, that he could go start his own website ... so he did.

    That one little action really chapped some hides. Either bring on the knuckle dragging, booger eating troglodytes or do away with all manner of disagreeable discussion. Political discussion brings out the fringe elements that cut across all cross sections of any part of society and its niches. This shouldn't be an actual issue inside a political forum. It is a problem when one let's either their politics or their ego negatively color their conduct OUTSIDE of an arena of political discourse.

    I think we just got tired of saying the same thing, to the same stubborn old people. Yes it does get old and I guess that there are those who consider it a challenge or even their duty to yell down "weak" and establish order, "their" order across all cross sections across all parts of society while they go screaming about global take over by the one world order types while they preach their own brand of exactly the same thing, One World Order from their perspective.

    Whatever you decide to do, remember that everything will get, how shall I put it? Shittier. People are taking sides over trivial matters and their loyalty to a belief is stronger than college football fans winning nationals and world cup soccer fans winning internationally ... combined!

    Meme for your pleasure.


  7. #47
    The Fluid of Spock KD8TUT's Avatar
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    I think what I'm going for here is the idea that at some point we have to stand or fall on our service to ham radio- not politics or past (or current) disputes with other sites.

    Those disputes may be valid. Politics should be allowed as a discussion. We just probably need to tick the meter a bit more towards amateur radio overall.

    Though- my perception of these issues is vastly different than the old timers here on the island. I wasn't there for the genesis of the forum. So I think I'll just go back behind the curtain and run the server :)
    So there I was, totally naked. With only a rubber hose and a stuffed animal...

  8. #48
    Conch Master suddenseer's Avatar
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    I think we have been here several times before, and voted to do nothing, let debris fly. I barely remember. The "founders" are mostly long gone. This is a group of hams using very old bbs like software. This place was old when I found it. I was not a pissed off zedder, or whatever. I used to get the qrz cd back in the day. I only used that website to look up callsigns.

    cul de n8tb
    "Sadly, it always takes a few martyrs to get the ball rolling." Colonel Tim Boldman 2001
    "There are no differences but differences of degree between different degrees of difference and no difference."--William James
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  9. #49
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    "The" founder has moved on. I consider people like Luke and Fred to be co-founders. Bob, part of the co-founding team. A brotherhood of like minded individuals who came together and started a new country. Much like the beginnings of the United States just prior to the decision to create a constitution and tell King George to shove it.

    Aiming more for amateur radio technical excellence? We have one of the best people in all of hamdom and he's already blogged a few of his restorations and mods. We also have another who we need to encourage to get back in here because everything he touches, lawnmowers, cars, antique(s) radios look like they've had the Midas Touch.

    Then we have our resident Power Monkey and booooy howdy! I sure would like to see some more of that monkey stuff!

  10. #50
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    Charles makes good points. I like the analogy, all up until 2016. It better not go that way here in the future.

    Like that post was...
    Moving on, my posts are not helpful

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