View Poll Results: Political Discussion Options

22. You may not vote on this poll
  • Keep the political forum as-is, and make no changes.

    1 4.55%
  • Make the current forum invisible to guests, but nix the idea of a new forum.

    1 4.55%
  • Create the new forum, but keep the existing forum visible to everyone.

    2 9.09%
  • Go with the new plan as outined... new forum and marking the existing forum invisible to guests.

    9 40.91%
  • The nuclear option: Delete the political forum and rid us of politics altogether.

    2 9.09%
  • Dance naked with a rubber hose and stuffed animal

    7 31.82%
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Thread: The political forum

  1. #11
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    EM84ru, Easley SC
    If grown adults can't sit around and talk about politics the way grown adults do then what's point of having discussions?
    People are going to talk about whatever they want to talk about and those topics go all over the map. Do we bury our heads in the sand and pretend nothing bad is happening with the ship of state?

    Hide the forum from everyone who does not want to specifically be in it. If there is an administrator who does not want to take part, make so they can not even access it if that is even possible. THERE IS NOTHING PARTISAN ABOUT CALLING OUT A TRAITOR IN CHIEF. You may not have liked past presidents whether they be on the left side or right side of the aisle but when we have a segment of the population that sides with Putin because they are told to? That needs to be discussed among adults.

  2. #12
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    EM84ru, Easley SC
    Quote Originally Posted by VE7DCW View Post
    I say keep the forum hidden from guests and create a new more regulated forum and have voted as such ......your 'merican politics are your own and and I believe that this option is actually better than the silly QRZ approach of burying it for members only! With the political climate that exists today it will be tough to control even a more regulated forum but it could still be nuked in any case if it proves to be unmanageable.
    I appreciate the views of those on the outside looking in. We can not always see the circus for all the elephant dung in the tent.

  3. #13
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    Spectacular observation Charles. The elephant dung does seem to be piled higher than ever before.

    Like that post was...
    Moving on, my posts are not helpful

  4. #14
    The Fluid of Spock KD8TUT's Avatar
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    Lake Michigan Beach MI
    Can my vote be edited to option 6 please?
    So there I was, totally naked. With only a rubber hose and a stuffed animal...

  5. #15
    Island Canuck VE7DCW's Avatar
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    Duncan B.C. Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by KD8TUT View Post
    Can my vote be edited to option 6 please?
    I hope your dancing skills are up to snuff mister!
    Why,driving into a brick wall at 60 miles per hour, would I expect it not to hurt!

    Walk and Talk like a Canajun!!

  6. #16
    The Fluid of Spock KD8TUT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VE7DCW View Post
    I hope your dancing skills are up to snuff mister!
    Nope... not really.

    But I'm very hairy, my hose is formidable, and the stuffed animal is very cute.

    Ok... that even made ME uncomfortable... why do I hang out with you people?
    So there I was, totally naked. With only a rubber hose and a stuffed animal...

  7. #17
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    Cuz you fit right in. Well, fit is subjective...

    Like that post was...
    Moving on, my posts are not helpful

  8. #18
    Forum Addict n6hcm's Avatar
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    I don't participate much in the political forum here. I just can't. I've been an activist all my life, but my energy is limited lately and I just can't go there.

    When I think about this from a mile-high view I think that a visible political forum could attract those who want to fight that battle. I think that, among the current island population, it's not bad... But a busier forum could attract a different sort.

    I also think that enforcement of the proposed rules in a new forum could become a bottomless pit. I'm sure OP realizes this, though.
    "... and another thing about you democrats ... you all believe in science!" -- denny crane

  9. #19
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    It just occurred to me. "Sticky Poll". Entendre and a half?

    Like that post was...
    Moving on, my posts are not helpful

  10. #20
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Out in the sticks
    Quote Originally Posted by WZ7U View Post
    It just occurred to me. "Sticky Poll". Entendre and a half?
    You ain't been hangin' 'round the right strip clubs.

    Or maybe you have ...
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

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