Tip 3#: Don't reinvent the wheel, Part 2

Also needed is a wideband IF output for a panadapter - namely, the BS-8. If one studies the '830's IF Board schematic and parts list around the area of the Noise Blanker roofing filter then compares everything to the 530's, it's clearly evident that Kenwood left us some breadcrumbs. Namely, lands with empty, pre-drilled holes.

At least one "retrofit" floating around the Internet has the signal tap taken before the 1st IF Amplifier (Q1) at the RIF terminal of J1. Implement it the way Kenwood intended - just add the missing parts.

The ceramic NB filter has to be bent carefully away from the holes in order for the required 2-pin header to fit into the space, but as you can see it's quite doable - and follows the '830's schematic exactly.

Pic shows new header and 10K, 1/4w resistor to ground, across the IF Out pin. Note the orientation - we're following Kenwood's connector keying practice:


The underside of the board, showing the new 47pF capacitor from the output side of L2 (ceramic filter input terminal) to the junction of the new header and 10k resistor. The two remaining empty holes had nothing in them to begin with:


Wiring of the rear-panel jacks (using Kenwood parts) to be covered next.