Tip #1: Better TX/RX filtering for the TS-530S

This one's pretty simple to do and offers improved TX audio quality as well as a more pleasant "Wide" SSB filter. The stock YK-88S (2.4KHz/6dB B/W) filter is swapped for a YK-88S-1 (2.7KHz/6dB B/W) unit. The filter can be scrounged from a number of rigs including the TS-830S, TS-940S and others which use an 8.83MHz IF.

As sourced, the rig included the YK-88C (500Hz/6dB B/W) CW filter. I added the YK-88SN (1.8KHz/6dB B/W) SSB filter and wired the Options jumper so that it's used as the CW-Wide filter (see photo):


On-air tests with a station receiver using a Kenwood MC-50 were very gratifying. The '530 now sounds as nice as your typical EQ'ed ESSB rig, without exceeding permissible transmitted bandwidth.

Option: War Mode

Given the number of defunct sets and parts available in the marketplace, a dedicated individual could obtain a spare 530 IF Board and leave the stock SSB filter as-is, while fitting it with YK-88SN and YK-88CN (270Hz/6dB B/W) filters. If the set is to be pressed into contest use, the IF Boards can be swapped. This gives a little tighter, somewhat punchier SSB signal - which is desirable on a crowded band.

Other IF Board mods to follow.