Cool, I guess. I only put it that way because even here I feel a misfitted misfit, so I guess that's why I love it here so much. But hey, my point is, if you have a gripe with a particular someone(s) just come out with it. See, I'm not particularly diplomatic most times. More so now after this double bypass - every day is more precious than I can possibly imagine because they said if I had waited even another day I would be dead. Shocked the fuck right out of me! All of it in a big ole glob. See I don't have time for pussy footing around anymore; the part of me that did that has been evicted.
If I have an issue with something I put it right out there, which is what gets threads disappeared in the case of eHam (with a trip to the cornfield about a year back) and I've managed to stay out of the cornfield over yonder by a friggin micron sometimes, so I'm not the best one to emulate. At least here you guys put up with my shit and for that I'm eternally grateful. Thank you one and all.
All this to say, maybe I am misreading what you're saying. Maybe it's not an individual, perhaps a group thing or something even more esoteric than that. I've misunderstood your posts before and for that I apologize. Not sure why that happens between us but I would like to understand better. Plus, it seems I'm the only one engaging the thread which in itself is weird.
So, like they say in the 3 knob radio service, I'm back out.