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Thread: My Gripe: Lowering Ocean Levels

  1. #1
    Master Navigator koØm's Avatar
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    My Gripe: Lowering Ocean Levels

    Not that long ago, in a parallel dimension of the Ether, a website called the “Island of Misfit Hams” was established as an alternative to “Fred-co” by a group of Amateur Radio enthusiast whose intelligence's and sensitivities were being insulted by low-brow sycophantic appliance operators.

    While, we had the radio hobby in common, our group had ideologies and lifestyles that were not consistent with the day-to-day Rag-chewer “Over Yonder.”

    For the longest time, the situation was “Them-against-us” while, we sat back and derided the hypocrisy of the Moderation, the self aggrandizement of “The WIK”, “The Gym Teacher” and, the other Wizards of knowledge who stunk up the place.

    As people aged, and the websites evolved, boats from the mainland bought more tourists to our happy little island, in fact, at one time, a land bridge seemed to form allowing all manner of stray dogs and cats and feral creatures to invade our paradise; we needed an “Invasive species act” to keep the riff-raff/floatsum and jettison at bay.

    The IOMH has always offered a refuge to free thinkers and progressives. The Island has always open it’s beaches to all and made them welcome, websites thrive on new blood and ideas; but that doesn't mean that they (the newcomers) had a pass to stay when they became un-neighborly.

    As good as things can seem from the outside, there can be problems behind the curtains; we on the Island found ourselves in that position after unexpected situations cause change in hosting and ownership. To stay afloat technically, changes had to be made on the back-end of the site; certainly if this site was running ads and selling subscriptions we could have farmed the job out but, we don’t.

    Although we have many members capable of technically administrating the site, those people had no time or desire to take on the task. One of the newcomers offered to attend to the task and, the ownership took him up on his offer.

    As a member only entering from the front door, I am grateful on one hand and 4 fingers that the site has managed to stay afloat but, the atmosphere and climate has changed; to be candid, loyal members with years of time here have deserted The Island because of the effects of the Invasive Species.


  2. #2
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    This ought to be good........

    My 0.02,
    unfortunately, people left because of their inability to adapt their sensibilities to show some tolerance for other beliefs, even if it went against their own. I guess tolerance isn't some peoples strong suit. Which is odd because that was exactly the vibe they exuded. Go figure.

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  3. #3
    Master Navigator koØm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WZ7U View Post
    This ought to be good........

    My 0.02,
    unfortunately, people left because of their inability to adapt their sensibilities to show some tolerance for other beliefs, even if it went against their own. I guess tolerance isn't some peoples strong suit. Which is odd because that was exactly the vibe they exuded. Go figure.
    Quite the opposite.

    When the beliefs and actions of others become so aberrant, you don't try to change the people around you, you change the people you are around.


  4. #4
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    Alright I get that. Makes good sense. But, instead of dancing around the point, who exactly are you thinking of while writing this? Just come out and say it.
    Last edited by WZ7U; 01-17-2018 at 04:34 PM.

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  5. #5
    Master Navigator koØm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WZ7U View Post
    Alright I get that. Makes good sense. But, instead of dancing around the point, who exactly are you thinking of while writing this? Just come out and say it.

    It ain't you!


  6. #6
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    Cool, I guess. I only put it that way because even here I feel a misfitted misfit, so I guess that's why I love it here so much. But hey, my point is, if you have a gripe with a particular someone(s) just come out with it. See, I'm not particularly diplomatic most times. More so now after this double bypass - every day is more precious than I can possibly imagine because they said if I had waited even another day I would be dead. Shocked the fuck right out of me! All of it in a big ole glob. See I don't have time for pussy footing around anymore; the part of me that did that has been evicted.

    If I have an issue with something I put it right out there, which is what gets threads disappeared in the case of eHam (with a trip to the cornfield about a year back) and I've managed to stay out of the cornfield over yonder by a friggin micron sometimes, so I'm not the best one to emulate. At least here you guys put up with my shit and for that I'm eternally grateful. Thank you one and all.

    All this to say, maybe I am misreading what you're saying. Maybe it's not an individual, perhaps a group thing or something even more esoteric than that. I've misunderstood your posts before and for that I apologize. Not sure why that happens between us but I would like to understand better. Plus, it seems I'm the only one engaging the thread which in itself is weird.

    So, like they say in the 3 knob radio service, I'm back out.

    Like that post was...
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  7. #7
    La Rata Del Desierto K7SGJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WZ7U View Post
    Cool, I guess. I only put it that way because even here I feel a misfitted misfit, so I guess that's why I love it here so much. But hey, my point is, if you have a gripe with a particular someone(s) just come out with it. See, I'm not particularly diplomatic most times. More so now after this double bypass - every day is more precious than I can possibly imagine because they said if I had waited even another day I would be dead. Shocked the fuck right out of me! All of it in a big ole glob. See I don't have time for pussy footing around anymore; the part of me that did that has been evicted.

    If I have an issue with something I put it right out there, which is what gets threads disappeared in the case of eHam (with a trip to the cornfield about a year back) and I've managed to stay out of the cornfield over yonder by a friggin micron sometimes, so I'm not the best one to emulate. At least here you guys put up with my shit and for that I'm eternally grateful. Thank you one and all.

    All this to say, maybe I am misreading what you're saying. Maybe it's not an individual, perhaps a group thing or something even more esoteric than that. I've misunderstood your posts before and for that I apologize. Not sure why that happens between us but I would like to understand better. Plus, it seems I'm the only one engaging the thread which in itself is weird.

    So, like they say in the 3 knob radio service, I'm back out.

    I have kept on the powers that be to throw yer ass out. But, no one listens to me, so I guess your safe. bastids
    A clear conscience is usually a sign of a bad memory


  8. #8
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    I wish Janet and Carl would come back. I would go into voluntary exile if that would bring them back.

    I know it won't help, it's just my martyr complex oozing out again. Kinda like this torn incision. Fuck.

    Keep trying Eddie, don't give up on your dreams.

    I love ya man!

    Like that post was...
    Moving on, my posts are not helpful

  9. #9
    Whacker Knot WØTKX's Avatar
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    That's Deep.
    "Where would we be without the agitators of the world to attach the electrodes
    of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?" ~ Professor "Dick" Soloman

  10. #10
    Whacker Knot WØTKX's Avatar
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    I dunno. I feel like a stranger in a strange land with Ham Radio for the most part.

    Get attacked immediately if I question the values and morals of our "Dear Leader".
    I've grown accustomed to being a pretenda-publican.

    About the only place that I am myself is here, and the WARFA net.

    Long ago when we had hosting issues, some folks started hanging out on IRC.
    Have not been there in a long time. The Pope is having fun on Twitter.

    At 26k+ posts, I'm not giving up, and I still vote. ;)
    "Where would we be without the agitators of the world to attach the electrodes
    of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?" ~ Professor "Dick" Soloman

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