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Thread: The new Firefox....

  1. #1
    The Fluid of Spock KD8TUT's Avatar
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    The new Firefox....

    Oh boy!!

    I just dumped Chrome for the new Firefox Quantum- 57.0

    It's finally threaded, running 64 bit, and as fast as Chrome.

    Chrome was causing problems on my machine by screwing up audio transfers between virtual devices. And I stayed with it because Firefox was so painfully slow. This new update did it. I can go back to my hardware sound card with the Burr Brown DACs with no digital clipping- because Chrome caused it...

    $200.00 semi pro sound card back in action.... YAY!!!

    Oh happy days!

    So there I was, totally naked. With only a rubber hose and a stuffed animal...

  2. #2
    Conch Master KJ3N's Avatar
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    I think somebody on the programming team is a Battlestar Galactica fan. Have you noticed the tab animation while a page is loading?
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  3. #3
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    Ah, the little back and forth in the little tab.

    Yes, it is faster. I use Chrome specifically for FB only. FF was always my favorite but until this update was feeling like it was running bloated. I was for the last 6 months using Opera for streaming services like Netflix, Hulu etc. Opera was becoming susceptible to little nasties floating along the web. The main problem occurred when I was streaming The Venture Brothers on Adult Swim. I somehow corrupted a file that was becoming a huge pain in the ass. System Restore would be prevented from running. System reset, same thing. After the system reset ran Windows Utilities did something else that sort of fix it but everything was taking forever to pull up and something was hogging CPU cycles. BUT, it freed up enough of something to run a system reset again and this time it worked.

  4. #4
    The Fluid of Spock KD8TUT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KJ3N View Post
    I think somebody on the programming team is a Battlestar Galactica fan. Have you noticed the tab animation while a page is loading?
    Yup... that's probably a lock...

    Love how it's offloading so much to the GPU.
    So there I was, totally naked. With only a rubber hose and a stuffed animal...

  5. #5
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    Drventure.jpgGotta love that guy!

    New Firefox: OK, yeah, they've obviously made improvements but the changes to the new tab page where all the quick links were sucks. Cut off some of my chit! Not sure I like how bookmarks are dealt with either, but I suppose since I haven't written a better browser I should just STFU.

    BattleStar Galactica - I saw that and thought the exact same thing. More like, "Oh great; Cylons are running things now".

    Here's to a successful launch of a superior product. Let's hope the speed remains over time.

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  6. #6
    Whacker Knot WØTKX's Avatar
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    Yea, I have been running it for a few days. Really impressed.

    Running an AMD A10-7860K @ 3.6Ghz and Radeon R7
    16 GB RAM, Windows Pro 64 bit

    Do a fair amount of audio and run a Flex 3000 rig

    I can surf my ass off with no latency on the radio or audio stuff.

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  7. #7
    The Fluid of Spock KD8TUT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WØTKX View Post
    Yea, I have been running it for a few days. Really impressed.

    Running an AMD A10-7860K @ 3.6Ghz and Radeon R7
    16 GB RAM, Windows Pro 64 bit

    Do a fair amount of audio and run a Flex 3000 rig

    I can surf my ass off with no latency on the radio or audio stuff.

    Agree.. Chrome complicated using fat pipe SDR because it seemed to grab too many interrupts. I'm sitting here with my machine running PSDR with my ANAN 100D and a full set of apps running with no problems. Used to have to kill the browser.

    Setup Firefox to use 4 of my 8 cores, and it does not seem to grab more than it needs.
    So there I was, totally naked. With only a rubber hose and a stuffed animal...

  8. #8
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    OK braintrust, riddle me this - I unpinned a spot in the new tabs page and I want to put my math course back up (since they deemed it not good enough from the first time through) in that spot but for the life of me I can't figure out how to put the bookmark in the spot. Ideas? WTF am I missing here........

    stupid_new_tab_page.jpg<<<right there man

    Why can't people just leave shit well enough alone. It worked fine for me. Trading a bit of speed for the headaches isn't conducive to a good day for my tech-tarded ass. Any of you guru's care to explain to 'lil ol tarded me why things have to get fuckered with so much?

    Thanks for the enlightenment from the people I trust most on the web.

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  9. #9
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WZ7U View Post
    OK braintrust, riddle me this - I unpinned a spot in the new tabs page and I want to put my math course back up (since they deemed it not good enough from the first time through) in that spot but for the life of me I can't figure out how to put the bookmark in the spot. Ideas? WTF am I missing here........

    stupid_new_tab_page.jpg<<<right there man

    Why can't people just leave shit well enough alone. It worked fine for me. Trading a bit of speed for the headaches isn't conducive to a good day for my tech-tarded ass. Any of you guru's care to explain to 'lil ol tarded me why things have to get fuckered with so much?

    Thanks for the enlightenment from the people I trust most on the web.

  10. #10
    "Usual Suspect" WZ7U's Avatar
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    Thank you Charles. Now off I go to implement it.

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