About 2 weeks ago, during a Pirates game, something came up (no, not my dinner, they were actually winning this one at the time) that I wanted to pass on to the booth. (Nothing really important, just regarding a former player who Little Miss Field Day had recognized while she was working)

So I went ahead and set up a Twitter account for the purpose, since it is the only way these days to contact the announcers.

Which worked, which made the Boss happy. And that's the good news.

Seems that since then, my Yahoo email account has been flooded with posts... tweets?... whatever. Posts from the Pirates -- the team as a whole. Posts from individual players on the team. Posts from the Mayor of Pittsburgh. Posts from ESPN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Faux asking me to watch various TV shows 'tonight' or over the next few days, with season premiers coming up.

Posts from people I've never heard of wanting me to view their page, buy something, or (ahem) look at their pictures in their birthday suits, to put it mildly. Follow-up posts thanking me for viewing said pictures and wanting to know if I'm interested in their videos.

Meta-posts from Twitter itself telling me I had twits, er, tweets. Lots of them. And followers. Lots of followers. All interested in my every whim twitted... tweeted... whatever.

All from ONE post. One single post.

I stopped counting at 200. Then I deleted the lot of them and unsubscribed that email address from the flood of twits... tweets... whatever.

And I thought Faceplant was bad.