I had my first ride to the hospital in an ambulance today. At about 3 this afternoon I went outside with the weed trimmer to tend to some much needed weed trimming in front of the house. I started up the ol' weed trimmer and revved it up and started wacking the heck out of a lot of overgrown weeds and brush that were overtaking the walkway and the side of the house. At one point the trimmer conked out and I gave it a few yanks on the pull rope to restart. I noticed I felt sort of unusually winded. I continued wacking the weeds and before I knew it I was very much out of breath and couldn't seem to catch my breath. This is very abnormal for me and I knew at once something was very wrong. I was having great difficulty breathing and then I got hit with anxiety which made me try and hyperventilate on top of everything else. I would up on the floor struggling to breath, We called 911 and within a few minutes a fire truck pulled up and started giving me oxygen. Then the EMS got there and checked my blood pressure, it was slightly elevated. An EKG indicated that I wasn't having a heat attack. It appeared to be pulmonary obstruction, most likely due to a bad allergic reaction from something I was cutting. They checked my out a the hospital and determined my heart is okay and it was some kind of obstruction of my airways. At this point I was feeling back to normal and my breathing was no longer labored. They ran some tests, administered some medications and sent me home and told me to take it easy for a couple days. For me it was one scary afternoon.