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Thread: Why I Love Baseball, Example 42,876

  1. #31
    Tiki Bearer
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    Once when it was a lot worse the club got into dispute with local radio. The commentary box was given to the radio station from the visiting team and the local station was given a table and chairs in the open. During the game the local station's comments started getting more or more open as the game went on. One of them was "the ball has gone down to where the executive boxes are, which are empty as usual". At the end the commentators stated that the club are longer speaking to them, they then started asking a number of open questions about team selection, drafting and coaching.

  2. #32
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    It's a good thing you don't have an announcer like Howard Cosell widely known for his blustery, cocksure personality, or it could be worse, Don Imus, host of Imus In The Morning. Cosell was known for his colorful language stopping just short of profanity, and his friendly wars of words with Mohammad Ali that sounded anything BUT friendly on the air. Imus however took it to the point of downright insulting on several occasions, like when he called the Seton Hall University Women's Basketball team "a bunch of nappy headed hos" on the air. This being international, the gutter speak word "ho" is a bastardization of "whore", and "nappy headed" is akin to using the N word to describe a Black person. That was the icing on the cake, he found himself in a dingy cable TV studio a few dollars poorer after that one.

    I know how that poor Pissburgh Pirates fan feels, sort of, I wear an old style Cubs jacket I inherited and hate having to explain it since I've been a Yankees fan since I discovered baseball at age 7. When you go to the web site and see dozens of jacket styles, none of them the style issued to the players, and they run well over $100 for a lousy jacket... FOGIDABOWDIT! I never did follow pirates games, the Seton Hall Pirates that is, even when I lived in North Jersey. Now that I live in South Jersey I pass the Lakewood Blue Claws stadium without a second look. Yanno, the Yankees may be the winningest (Is that a word?) team in baseball history and MY team to the end, but I cheered when Boston pulled the World Series out from under them. I don't feel like a traitor, my whole philosophy is you can't win ALL of the time. Another way to look at it is when you have more money than you know what to do with carry a roll of 100s in your pocket. That way you'll always have one to give to that beggar on the street up in Beantown.
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

  3. #33
    Tiki Bearer
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    When there is a test match, a guest commentator is invited from the visiting Country. Many years ago, the late Brian Johnson was describing the slap up lunch provided at Lords. The guest commentator from Sri Lanka was late back from lunch and Brian Johnson asked if they had enjoyed their lunch too much. No said the guest, I was in a meeting with the producer. He said that I made a big cock up earlier, and gave me a right bollocking and said if I want to be invited back I better buck my ideas up.

  4. #34
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    ROTFLMAO! Those in and around the Indian Subcontinent who speak English speak English, not American or Australian. That bloke learned HIS English a little TOO well. It probably wouldn't surprise you that I being a fellow ham understood every word of that.

    That can't be said about non hams however, since major corporations have relocated their customer service there the language barrier became all too apparent. Having that marbles in the mouth accent doesn't help matters one bit either. That brings to mind what a VK2 related to me about a town meeting regarding Telstra (mobile phones, Internet) and a discussion about their customer service manned by what I call Mumbai Mumblers. The Telstra rep had a bit of trouble understanding a certain communications problem, he said "...but they speak perfect English." The bloke on the other end of that remarked "Yeah, but they don't speak Australian!"
    Last edited by kb2vxa; 05-13-2019 at 08:15 AM. Reason: merbles?
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

  5. #35
    Tiki Bearer
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    The four day games started up again. Latest game ended in victory before tea on the third day. During the lunch interval there was a Q & A session with the CEO and the Chairman. Unfortunately someone decided to fillibust with their views on the changed display of the scoreboard.

    These games are now being streamed live. Unfortunately there is only one camera, so anything happening away from the middle is missed.

  6. #36
    'Grumpy old bastid' kb2vxa's Avatar
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    Just as women started gaining ground as technical people such as changing the job description from cameraman to cameraperson along came the Sony Robocam. Now they've taken cheap labor down to NO labor, set one camera to get a view of the field and be done with it. Frank Zappa coined a word for really bad B monster movies like IT Conquered The World that fits here too, "Cheepness". It's intentionally spelt that way with a capital C because it's the title of a song he wrote about it. It was recorded live at the Roxy, see if you can get a copy of it. Even if you don't like Progressive Jazz you'll get the whole idea by listening to the long intro.

    Spoiler: Four WW2 Army surplus M1 carbines couldn't hurt it, why bother when everybody knows bullets have no effect on monsters. So they brought out the BIG GUNS, Lee Van Cleef with an old fashioned gasoline powered blowtorch. Our Hero sacrificed his own life killing it by burning out it's eyes, while all IT had to do was tap him on the shoulder and they both fell in a heap of Cheepness.


    On edit: Like many such outer space critters like that bloke in a gorilla suit with a diving helmet over his head that hid out in a cave, they're all the SAME cave on the Spahn Ranch where up in the hills scenes in Westerns were filmed. Somebody else hid out in the cave, well sort of, Charles Manson and his "family" lived on the ranch for a time. Monsters in a cave, Manson, there must be something in the water!
    Last edited by kb2vxa; 05-17-2019 at 10:14 AM.
    "The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    73 de Warren KB2VXA
    Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

  7. #37
    Tiki Bearer
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    Latest game was allocated four days and finished before tea on the 2nd day. Today I carried out my own industrial action and went back to work.

    There is Baseball in London at the end of the month. The Red Sox and the Yankees are playing two games at the Olympic stadium.

    At work you can set up your surface pro and the monitor to run two screens seperately. I had the screen for NFL tickets at Tottenham Hotspur up as I was in the queue. The season ticket sale for both games two weeks ago was overwhelmed and I could not get one. As the single ticket sale next week will be an even bigger bun fight. I bought in the Hospitality ticket sale today. To get into the Bears game I had to pay the second highest price.

    I will not say how much, but my pants were well and truly pulled down.

    I have been to all the NFL regular season London games and I want to be the last man standing.

  8. #38
    Tiki Bearer
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    I am watching the Yankees/Red Sox from the London Stadium.

    Anyone else watching?

  9. #39
    Tiki Bearer
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    Just got back from the 1st day of the latest game. The club Chairman was doing his rounds of the Premier Suite asking if everyone was enjoying themselves. Just before that someone who was dining in the resturant wanted to order scones and jam. The waitress said you only get one scone and a little bit of jam and cream for £6.

    I said that I was enjoying myself. I have just heard the prices and could not stop laughing.

  10. #40
    Master Navigator koØm's Avatar
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    Hows' about 'Dem Reds?

    Over four decades ago when, I was doing field service for "The Copier Company", one helpful hint that I was given by my manager was, if things got tense, a good "Ice-breaker/Conversation starter" was, "Hows about 'Dem Reds"?

    If, the conversation went negative about the Reds performance on the field, you went with it and, if the person had something positive to say about the Cincinnati Reds baseball team, then, you went along with that line of conversation.

    So, "Hows about them Cincinnati Reds?"

    ETA: If I were going to follow a baseball team, it would be the New York Yankees.
    Last edited by koØm; 07-08-2019 at 10:45 AM.

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