I'm running the VE testing at the club hamfest next weekend.

At the moment, I'm accepting pre-registrations.

Get a phone call at 10:30 PM (EST) last night from the hamfest chair, she'd just received an email from someone inquiring about exams and had forwarded it to me, wanted to make sure I saw it. So, I went over to the computer, read the email; it was from a ham asking if exams would be available on behalf of two friends of his.


Replied back to have them email me with their names to get pre-registered.

Got two emails this morning:

hi my name is rob and this guy mark told me to email you about some info about the test.. i got my gmrs license about a year ago besides frn number and what else do i need?? and how much is it and where do i have to go?? thanks for the info

Hello Ron ,My name is Robert [last name and address redacted] Pittsburgh Pa.15210 FRN#[redacted]

Yes, that's the text of each message. Period.

Somehow, for some odd reason, I'm just not enthusiastic about these candidates.