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Thread: The nice thing about a contest...

  1. #1
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Out in the sticks

    The nice thing about a contest...

    Is that it proves the lie "the bands are DEAD!" to be just that - a lie.

    Watching the fun on my R-820/SM-220/BS-8 at the moment. Tuning is centered on 7.200 and it's wall to wall signals all across the phone portion.

    Any Islanders working this one?
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  2. #2
    Pope Carlo l NQ6U's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Maritime Mobile
    No. Contests are de ebil.
    All the world’s a stage, but obviously the play is unrehearsed and everybody is ad-libbing his lines. Maybe that’s why it’s hard to tell if we’re living in a tragedy or a farce.

  3. #3
    Forum Addict
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    Oct 2011
    Hillsborough, NC
    Take it to the system!

    My next two big purchases were either a KX3 or a winch, and the winch won. But I may be back on HF by next spring...
    The machine does not isolate us from the great problems of nature but plunges us more deeply into them. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

  4. #4
    Orca Whisperer PA5COR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    The Netherlands
    Just worked the local eleven cities provincial contest representing my hometown Sneek, on 40 from local 11.00 AM to 14.00 .

    The only contest i do each year because i'm the only one here with a decent reception, normally 80 meters is used but some wanted to try 40..... back to 80 next year it is.
    "If the Republicans will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop
    telling the truth about them." - Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965)
    “I’m not liberal/conservative, I’m anti-idiotarian.”
    At some point in the last 20 years, the left moved to the center, and the right moved into a mental institution

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