Quote Originally Posted by W2IBC View Post
big question is. WTF was he thinking?!?
He obviously "Thinks" very well in the Technical department but, the problem is that he doesn't links those "Thoughts" with the legalities and moralities involved when those thoughts are transferred into "Actions".

Early in his life, if someone had bothered to check, they probably would have diagnosed him somewhere on the Autism scale. The term "Asperger's Syndrome" is what the guy *probably* suffers from.

He should get a lawyer and plead nolo contendere because of "Diminished Capacity".

You know, rules and laws are made because of people like him; those with too much imagination and too little self-control.

*I'm not a real Psychiatrist, I just have a DSM-IV and I play like one on the inna-net.
