Happy birthday you two!
Happy birthday you two!
Happy Birthday, gents. Travis, I have you beat by 30 years, big guy. Make sure to check back with me when your 57th arrives, I'll probably still be here doing the crabby admin thing... :)
QAnon / GOP Republicans mentally lack the necessary intelligence to even tell a decent lie (Ex: A cabal of Satanic, cannibalistic pedophiles run a global child sex trafficking ring and conspired against former President Dotard dRUMPf during his term in office... Jewish space lasers, etc.). What in the hell makes anyone believe these melon heads can actually govern?
... and many Happy returns! Go out and enjoy that youth!
"Love Trumps Hate."
"You Facist, Sexual Predator!"
" I thought a lot about blowing up the White House"
Uh Huh, What Love?
Will do. Honestly, being almost thirty is an interesting time of reflection. Now, I realize for those of you who are older that may not seem like a long time but you have been there too. It is amazing to look back on things that seem like they happened yesterday and realize that they were 10+ years ago. Seeings as how a decade seems like a long time (well on one hand) it is hard to imagine another 30. That said, I will check back in with you then and see how things have gone. :)
I have been a ham for 10 years, been out of high school for 9, on the island for 6, married and living in Spain for 2. In that time my life has seen many a change, most for the better. Ya'll have added to that. I am excited to see what changes the next 10 will bring.
"A night sky full of cries. Hearts filled with lies. The contract: is it worth the price?"
Happy Bidet!
The louder the monkey, the smaller its balls.