The FCC announced today a Forfeiture Order against Brian R. Ragan KF6EGI, to the tune of $13,600, for violations of Section 301 and 303(n) of the Communications Act of 1934.
He was caught operating an unlicensed radio transmitter on 104.9 MHZ, and for failing to allow FCC staff to inspect his station.
On February 25, 2012, Mr. Ragan refused to make his radio station available to a Commission agent for inspection. On February 27, 2012, Mr. Ragan acknowledged to a San Francisco agent that he was aware that the FCC was requesting an inspection, but chose not to respond to the request. Mr. Ragan possesses an FCC amateur radio license (KF6EGI), a Technician Class, and has been licensed by the FCC since 2006. Mr. Ragan, as a licensed amateur radio operator for at least six years, should be aware that any radio equipment at his station must be made available for inspection at any time when requested by the FCC, and also should be aware of the proper operation of his amateur station in accordance with the Rules