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Thread: KI6JIM: Sorry, Typo says W5YI VEC

  1. #1
    Orca Whisperer W3WN's Avatar
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    KI6JIM: Sorry, Typo says W5YI VEC

    From today's FCC Digest:
    JAMES H. SCHOFIELD. Proposed to modify the license of James H. Schofield, licensee of Amateur Radio Service Station KI6JIM. Proposed to modify Schofield's operator license to show Technician Class operator privileges. Action by: Deputy Chief, Mobility Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 06/03/2013 by ORDER. (DA No. 13-1304). WTB
    Background. On November 29, 2012, W5YI Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (W5YI VEC) sent an electronic data file to the Commission requesting that Schofield’s operator license for amateur station KI6JIM be modified to upgrade from Technician Class to General Class amateur radio operator privileges. Based on this application, the Commission granted Schofield a General Class amateur service operator license on November 29, 2012. This license authorizes Schmidt to be the control operator of an amateur station transmitting on frequency bands authorized by Section 97.301(d) of our Rules.

    By correspondence dated May 30, 2013, W5YI VEC notified the Commission that it had made a typographical error in the November 29, 2012 data file and that a licensee other than Schofield had qualified for a General Class operator license. W5YI VEC noted that a correction was filed, resulting in the other licensee receiving the operator license for which he had qualified, but that Schofield’s operator privileges had not been returned to Technician Class operator privileges. Therefore, W5YI VEC urged us to modify Schofield’s license to correct the operator privileges authorized.
    And to be fair, all appearances are that KI6JIM had no hand in the error happening. That is to say, he didn't try and pull a fast one.
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  2. #2
    SK Member 05/26/2022 WX7P's Avatar
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    One typo deserves another. Schofield? Schmidt?

    Who's on first?

  3. #3
    La Rata Del Desierto K7SGJ's Avatar
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    A clear conscience is usually a sign of a bad memory


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