Another "got to have it." I worked in a TV shop in the 70s that had one of these Precision E-400 sweep/marker generators--and its complement the E-200-C signal generator. These two coupled together with the horizontal and vertical inputs on a scope made the pretty IF alignment displays one would see in the Sams or Riders.
Could not resist this refugee from a shop long shut down and now being let out to run! This is hardcore old school for alignments. With a couple external signal generators one can create whatever markers and sweep widths they choose. The crystal markers are nice too--I have a 455Khz & 3395Khz in FT-243 cases headed my way.
Thinking seriously about 50s era TV sets for fun and profit. This would come in handy in addition to the sort of receiver alignments I am going to do with this. This critter weighs in at around 16 pounds--and the chassis is copper clad. Built like a battleship... :cool2:
ON EDIT: See the little black box with the terminal posts and leading back to the generator? This is the original output cable for this--something that almost never accompanies the ones floating around for sale today. The ORIGINAL manual came with it too...