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Thread: Cubic Astro D

  1. #1

    Cubic Astro D

    Can anyone help? I am looking for a service manual and owners manual for the Cubic Astro D. I haved the Ambassador Cubic D set in the suit case. A manual for the radio, PSU and antenna tuner would be very helpful.
    Any leads would be appreciated. Charlie KA1GON email:

  2. #2
    Island Godfather NA4BH's Avatar
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  3. #3
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    Last edited by XE1/N5AL; 02-11-2013 at 11:48 PM.

  4. #4
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    I have those, as well as a bunch of spare parts and other accessories for all the Cubic lines. Should nothing else pan out get in touch.
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  5. #5

    Cubic Astro D Help Needed

    Quote Originally Posted by N8YX View Post
    I have those, as well as a bunch of spare parts and other accessories for all the Cubic lines. Should nothing else pan out get in touch.
    So far no word on a manual. Do you have an operators manual or service manual for the Astro D, Tuner and PS? Do you have spares for the radio or other components in the system? Thank You, Charles DiCecca KA1GON

  6. #6
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KA1GON View Post
    So far no word on a manual. Do you have an operators manual or service manual for the Astro D, Tuner and PS? Do you have spares for the radio or other components in the system? Thank You, Charles DiCecca KA1GON
    Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.

    Brock Publications used to handle Cubic and Swan information. I maintain a Yahoo Group (cubigastrogroup) which has a lot of info including the contact details of the new firm which is publishing hard copies of the documentation. I never did get a yeah or nay from the copyright owners regarding the group's Files area hosting electronic copies of the we don't have a lot in that regard. Yet.

    The service manual for the Astro D is about an inch thick and copying it is going to take some work. Join the group, send an e-mail to the new firm (whose contact details can be found in an early thread) and if they won't help out I'll look into duplicating the stuff for you.

    As far as parts or troubleshooting goes: What do you need? Stated another way, what's your rig not doing right?
    "Everyone wants to be an AM Gangsta until it's time to start doing AM Gangsta shit."

  7. #7
    SK Member 04/29/2020 w2amr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KA1GON View Post
    So far no word on a manual. Do you have an operators manual or service manual for the Astro D, Tuner and PS? Do you have spares for the radio or other components in the system? Thank You, Charles DiCecca KA1GON
    Hello Charlie, It's been a long time, how are you?
    George/W2AMR ex N2GBY

  8. #8
    Newbie KD5OEI's Avatar
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    I just ran across this topic while looking for the same thing as the OP, that is the manuals for the Ambassador suitcase station. Cubic Astro-D transceiver, the manual antenna matcher, and the power supply.

    It wants to work, but intermittently cuts out the audio on RX.
    When the last digit (100Hz) is zero, the receive is a little quieter than when that digit is any other value.
    The antenna matcher does not indicate forward power, but does indicate reflected power. (used a N.I. 200 Ohm resistor to check generally)
    The transmit is questionable so I am leaving that alone for now.

    I believe it is mostly TLC but there is some rotting foam and a 'box' covered by duct tape, apparently made of a different type of rather fragile crunchy foam. Perhaps an oven? I want to learn more about this set since I was given one with MARS provenance, it's very interesting. I kile older radio gear.

    Anyway, Yahoo groups is dead. There is a "", and I will look there. I hope that is the right place. If not I will ask here to N8YX.

    I've been occupied with other stuff and had to recover my password here but I'm back for what it's worth and will have a look around here as well.

    Sorry for any typos but I am reaching over the opened up ASTRO-D to type and do not have my glasses on because I am looking at the circuit boards.

    now to update my profile..

    thank you,

    Patrick KD5OEI
    AM: 4-1000+3-500Z modders.

  9. #9
    "Island Bartender" KG4CGC's Avatar
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    The crunchy foam you speak of has absorbed atmospheric moisture. If it is within your skill set, I'd start there.
    There are those here that can do a much better job of explaining what's involved in tackling that particular issue.

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