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Thread: Thinking Heathkit SB series...

  1. #1
    Master Navigator AE1PT's Avatar
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    Thinking Heathkit SB series...

    At the Rochester Hamfest, I picked up a couple working SB-610 station monitors for cheap. A couple weeks ago I started to get around to putting the 'new' LK-500ZB amp on the operating desk--and pulled out the SB-200 amp that was there.

    I set the 200 next to the spare 610 (one is already inline with the Icom) and got to looking at them together. Suddenly the whole station line began to look like a very appealing boatanchor addition to the shack. I am thinking about picking up the SB-301/401 twins, the station timer, and a speaker...

    Anyone here fond of or using these rigs? The major complaint that I have seen involves the PTO drive mechanism. My primary use would be SSB--as I have the Valiant/National NC-300 combo for AM/CW, and the IC-751A for digital modes. Whaddya think?
    Last edited by AE1PT; 09-24-2012 at 11:47 AM.
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  2. #2
    Master Navigator wa6mhz's Avatar
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    Get a SB-301 & SB-401. Except no WARC bands, it works great!

  3. #3
    Orca Whisperer W3WN's Avatar
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    The 301/401 'twins' are readily available at most hamfests, as are the 101 & 102 transceivers. Depending on condition, you should be able to find the twins for $100 and up each, the transceivers for $250 and up each. (And don't forget the power supplies for the transmitter or transceiver)

    The rigs are easy to maintain, and most of the electronic (non-mechanical) components are readily available. So if some TLC is needed, you shouldn't have much problem performing it.

    I had an SB-301 paired with an HT-37 for many years. Fantastic little receiver. Then I got a TS-430S, and the pair fell into disuse. I got talked into loaning the 301 to a friend; when it was returned to me, it looked like someone had carelessly tossed it into the trunk of a car & bounced it around for a few weeks; heartbreaking. Of course, no one involved would take responsibility for the damage... but that's another story.
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    Cutch 300!!!!!

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  4. #4
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    I have the SB-301/401/610/220/speaker here. I use them all the time - love 'em! Soon I hope to aquire an SB-620 panadapter, and the station console to round out the set. As you go shopping, one thing you should look for in a '401 is one that has all its crystals, so you can work split. Alot of SB-401's dont have thier rocks, as they cost extra back in the day and to many were considerd not needed when mated with the SB-301 receiver.

  5. #5
    Whacker Knot WØTKX's Avatar
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    I really, REALLY, like the green. But I prefer the performance of other radios.

    Mind you, I'm quite nostalgic for Heathkit. Would enjoy an HW-101.

    Got a couple of meters, two SB-200's, and a 201. Grid dip meter too.
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  6. #6
    "Island Vampire" KB3LAZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by W8XLR View Post
    I have the SB-301/401/610/220/speaker here. I use them all the time - love 'em! Soon I hope to aquire an SB-620 panadapter, and the station console to round out the set. As you go shopping, one thing you should look for in a '401 is one that has all its crystals, so you can work split. Alot of SB-401's dont have thier rocks, as they cost extra back in the day and to many were considerd not needed when mated with the SB-301 receiver.
    Having a look at your shack, you have an interesting mix. I see the SB line, a drake 4 line, a Viking II(?), an NC 183(?), some Hallicrafters that I cant identify off the top of my head, an FT-950, An FT-450, an FT-7800, what I think is an Ten tec 544, and some Misc.

    A little bit of everything I see. =)

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  7. #7
    Master Navigator AE1PT's Avatar
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    I do have to admit that I am suffering from a bit of nostalgia. This was a coveted thing back in either 70 or 71. I remember liking the Drake stuff as well. Seems that Lafayette Electronics had a visually similar knockoff for the Drakes. In any event I could never scrum up enough cash to do either. I did manage to bargain a 32V-3 without a case for $20, and resurrect an HQ-129X salvaged from the dump...

    Once I get this sort of thing in my head it is usually a done deal. As I am to understand it, the PS for the 401 will be found in the speaker enclosure? The trick here is going to be finding all of the interconnects so that building new ones is not a requirement!

    Pat, you use yours on a fairly regular basis too, don't you?
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  8. #8
    Administrator N8YX's Avatar
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    You also need an SB-620 (panadapter), SB-500 (transverter) and an SB-310 (SWBC version of the ham-bands receiver). More thoughts on all of this a bit later today.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by KB3LAZ View Post
    Having a look at your shack, you have an interesting mix. I see the SB line, a drake 4 line, a Viking II(?), an NC 183(?), some Hallicrafters that I cant identify off the top of my head, an FT-950, An FT-450, an FT-7800, what I think is an Ten tec 544, and some Misc.

    A little bit of everything I see. =)
    Yes, the Hallicrafters units are the HT-32/SX-101a... I enjoy all types of gear, ancient and factory fresh. It makes me well rounded (not just my beltline!) There's also a national HRO-5RA behind the Halli's. Ive had it since I was kid... Its very special to me 'cause I learned about high voltage the hard way with it!

  10. #10
    "Island Vampire" KB3LAZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by W8XLR View Post
    Yes, the Hallicrafters units are the HT-32/SX-101a... I enjoy all types of gear, ancient and factory fresh. It makes me well rounded (not just my beltline!) There's also a national HRO-5RA behind the Halli's. Ive had it since I was kid... Its very special to me 'cause I learned about high voltage the hard way with it!
    I like free for all shacks with such variants. My eyes dont get drawn to one or two things, they continue to examine. :)

    "A night sky full of cries. Hearts filled with lies. The contract: is it worth the price?"

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